Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 97

27. Step to boost your mindset for success: Do not work hard but ingeniously


The secret of success is not to work particularly hard and hard, but to work wisely and ingeniously. Proceed strategically and plan your work steps efficiently. This saves you a lot of time and energy and keeps you in the fast lane. When planning, always consider periods of rest and relaxation, but also physical activity such as sports and enough time to eat a balanced diet. Only if you are fit and healthy are you also fully efficient. It is therefore very important that you allow enough time for exercise, sleep and a balanced diet. Successful people take this into account in their lifestyle because they have long understood that they can only be fully efficient and successful if they are fit and healthy. What does physical fitness and a healthy diet have to do with success? That's a lot! Only if you are physically fit and balanced and provide your body with healthy nutrition and sufficient drinking are you able to perform at peak performance and be successful. Sufficient sleep is also enormously important, in order to master its everyday life the next day again spraying before energy, without overtaxing itself thereby or overloading. It is therefore far smarter in the long run not to work hard and hard until nothing works, but to orient your planning from the outset in such a way that all important areas that contribute to your well-being and success are sufficiently taken into account.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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