Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 105

35. Step to boost your mindset for success: To-do lists


In order to be successful, a lot has to be mastered and done, and yet there should be enough room not to lose the important motivation on the way to the goal. That is why it is essential to structure yourself thoroughly and to plan your everyday life well. To-do lists have proven to be very effective in this respect. Write a list for each day, adapted to your resources, and note everything you want to create on that day. However, you should always take into account sufficient breaks and also times during which you can consciously deal with your goal and do not overtax yourself! Consistent and permanent "less" is "more" than too much, because too much can quickly lead to a breakdown that can bring your motivation and self-confidence to the cellar. That's why you take care of yourself and adapt your requirements to yourself and to your realistic resources. To-do lists have the positive effect of being able to celebrate small successes every day, because you can simply cross out or tick off what has been done and at the end of the day you can see how much you have actually achieved. However, if at the end of the day you find that you haven't done a lot of things on your list, you should honestly question that and adjust your to-do list accordingly in the future. Perhaps you have taken on too much or you have avoided certain tasks. However, as long as you have successfully completed at least 80% of the activities you have planned, you can look forward to and be proud of yourself. At the end of the day, with your ticked off to-do list, you have something visible in your hand by which you can clearly and easily measure your success and this is incredibly important to continuously build your self-confidence and faith in yourself, but also your belief in achieving your goals.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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