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39. Step to boost your mindset for success: Dealing calmly with envy and hostility


As soon as you are successful, you call envious and envious people on the plan. Don't let this discourage you or even distract you from your path! Every successful person knows this situation. They will never all agree and so you can't expect everyone to like what you do or that others value your work. There will always be people who will not grant you your success! Envy, like all other emotions, belongs to our nature and can be found everywhere. Mostly envious people, people with a weak self-esteem. So if you can understand that envious people have deep-seated problems of their own and their behaviour has nothing to do with you personally, it is also easier for you to deal with possible envious people and their envy. Apart from that you should keep in mind that you should actually feel flattered, because obviously you have something that is also desirable for others, because otherwise you would not trigger feelings of envy in others. Stand above it and just take note of this fact if you are confronted with envious looks or unobjective comments without referring to yourself personally. Often people are behind such comments who can only dream of "their success" in the deepest depths. Instead, concentrate on the people who value your work and your success and are well-disposed towards you, rejoice in your well-deserved success and let no one take it away from you.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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