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34. Step to boost your mindset for success: Combine your goals with recurring everyday activities


If you remind yourself of your goals several times a day, it will be easier for you to stay motivated and on the home stretch. To do this, you can simply combine a day-to-day activity with your objectives. Choose something that you use several times a day. For example, you can stick a note or picture of your destination on your bathroom mirror or, for example, a password that you use frequently with your destination. Do you drink much coffee? Then make your coffee cup the medium of your destination and stick a picture or the word of your destination on your cup, and every time you enjoy your coffee, you automatically think of your destination. You could also use your pack of cigarettes or other items that you use several times a day to focus on your goal. The more often you deal with your goal, the faster you will achieve it. Take advantage of the opportunities that your everyday life offers you and let your goals be taken into account wherever possible. There are no limits to your imagination, it is only important that you do not lose sight of your goals and are reminded of them as often as possible. In this way, the necessary can be meaningfully combined with the useful and you use all possibilities to continuously come closer to your goal. Use the energy of your desire, which can unfold anew each time you recall your goal.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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