Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 87

17. Step to boost your mindset for success: Find out what you really want


Those who want to realize their dreams must undoubtedly set themselves clear and unambiguous goals. Whether professionally or privately, in order for you to be and remain successful, you need a clear objective. Have you already thought about what you want and what defining goals you set for yourself? If not, then a conscious examination of your self-defined and most important priorities and objectives is the first important step on your way to achieving your goals, because only those who know what they want will achieve it! So if you're still not sure what you really want, you'll find here the first basic factor that prevented you from succeeding so far. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and take the trouble to intensively deal with your dreams and wishes and the resulting goals and to make yourself aware of where you stand and where you want to go. If you set yourself exact goals, you focus your concentration on the essential and do not run the risk of getting lost in an unmanageable emotional chaos. Furthermore, a clear objective strengthens your endurance and increases your motivation, which inspires you to peak performance. But what is the best way to find out what you really want and what plans will help you move forward in your life and help you to be happy and satisfied? It is particularly important to bear in mind that you really do pursue and realize "your" own goals and not the goals of others that they expect from you, because only then will you bring the necessary perseverance and motivation that is so fundamentally decisive in the implementation of your goals. So first of all it is advisable to deal with his basic wishes and dreams in order to be able to formulate his goals clearly. What has always given you pleasure? What are your strengths and talents and what skills and abilities do you have? What have you been dreaming about for years? What do you need to be completely happy? How would you like to be? How do you imagine your life in the future? What if you could achieve anything you want to be or have? A suitable means to become aware of your wishes and goals is the method of brainstorming. This means that you write down everything that comes to mind about success and you will be surprised how many ideas you have when you let it flow and just start writing uninhibitedly. Dream calmly, freely and without limits and let your ideas run free. It is completely irrelevant whether your wishes are currently realistic, the only important thing is that they are really your wishes. Cross borders and be surprised what unfulfilled desires you have. Don't stop until you really can't think of anything else, but devote at least 10 minutes to your brainstorming. Now you have a foundation of your own wishes and desires and can start to build on them and structure and order the whole thing.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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