Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 82

12. Step to boost your mindset for success: Face your fears


If you notice that fears and doubts arise in you when you are confronted with your goal, it is in any case fundamentally important to first face up to your own fears and doubts and not simply push them away, because otherwise you will continue to work in your subconscious and block your success. Face your fears with courage and check them carefully. As a rule, our fears are based on old beliefs and convictions from the past that influence us and prevent us from achieving our goals. For example, if you are afraid of not being able to achieve your goal, it is advisable to work on your self-confidence first. Only if you are absolutely convinced that you can really achieve your goal will you achieve it. Do not be afraid to make a mistake or to be criticized. Nobody is perfect and making mistakes is perfectly normal. Through our mistakes we learn and make valuable experiences that help us to mature and grow. Moreover, our own mistakes make us more human, more sympathetic and sensitive, more humble to the mistakes of others, and we can also encounter others more empathetic, because others are not perfect either. We can learn from our experience and share it with others by giving valuable advice and tips to help others not make the same mistakes we do. You should understand your "failures" as "successes"! That sound funny to you? You may ask yourself how can you see failure as a success? Very simple. Every failure and defeat on the way to your goal is no less than an indication of how it does not work. Even if you have achieved an alleged failure, it is ultimately a success because you have gained experience and deepened your knowledge. In this way you can apply a different strategy and learn more and more in the process. Do not evaluate your failures as defeat or even failure, but change your perspective and your evaluation and understand your failures as successes in your development process on the way to your success!

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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