Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 80

10. Step to boost your mindset for success: Success killer negative self-image


If you have a negative image of yourself and don't trust yourself, it's not surprising if it doesn't work with the success in your life. It is therefore advisable to examine in detail what you think about yourself and what your self-image is. We develop our self-image in the first years of our lives and are shaped by our experiences and our parents, relatives, teachers, etc. As children we are not yet able to develop our self-image, so we internalize what we experience and what others tell us about us. Our self-image therefore corresponds to the image of others and what others reflect us. If our lives have been marked by defeats, negative experiences and unpleasant utterances, it is not surprising if you have a low self-esteem and a negative image of yourself as an adult. People who often experience that they are successful even as a child have a strong self-confidence and are automatically successful in adulthood because they are convinced that they can achieve their goals. To be able to achieve success is fundamentally decisive for one's own self-esteem. Those who feel inferior or even worthless cannot be successful. That is why it is very important to analyse one's own self-image precisely. Be aware that you have adopted your self-image since childhood and have carried it around with you since then without having checked it. As long as we feel like losers, we can only lose. But the good news is, just as we have learned to think badly about ourselves, we can also learn to think well about ourselves and change our self-image. Go inside yourself and listen carefully to what you often think or say about yourself, so you can quickly learn your beliefs and apply them exactly there, first transforming your self-image and then your whole life. Visualize how you would like to be, paint it in the brightest colors and imagine how you would like to behave and what you would like to do. If you often imagine a positive self-image of yourself, your subconscious will orient itself towards it and you will see yourself more and more in a positive light. You should also ensure that you can celebrate your first small successes by setting yourself small goals that you believe you are able to achieve. The more often you experience that you really achieve your goals, the more your self-confidence and your belief in yourself will grow. Start small and soon you will be able to reach large destinations. Another important point to consider in any case, do not depend on your success. Your success says nothing about your value as a person. You are no more valuable than others if you have a lot of money or are on the winner's rostrum at the Olympics. Always remember that you are valuable and endearing, no matter how successful you are. So your motivation to reach a goal should not be to polish up your self-esteem, because then you run the risk of giving up in case of failure, demoralized and demotivated, and even less of yourself.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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