Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 93

23. Step to boost your mindset for success: Focus on your success


Many people tend to think of all the horror scenarios and obstacles that could prevent their success as soon as they have set themselves a goal, instead of thinking of success. That means you focus on your failure. The problem here is that we attract exactly what we focus on. If you often think about your possible failure and your failure, you move away more and more from your success and demotivate and demoralise yourself. Therefore you should let negative thoughts about your failure and failure, after you have already faced your fears and doubts, simply pass and focus on your goal! Visualize as often and as precisely as possible how you have already reached your goal and feel what positive emotions the achieved goal triggers in you. This keeps you on the road to success and keeps you motivated and convinced that you can really make it. You should concentrate entirely on your goal and work consistently and purposefully to achieve it. Thus you focus on the essentials on your path to success and do not run the risk of losing your way and being distracted or even discouraged. Focus on your goal until you have achieved it and strengthen your belief in it as well and as often as you can. Also, make sure that you only deal with topics that increase your awareness of success and inspire you. Avoid demotivating reading or incriminating films, because everything we consume destructively has a demotivating and weakening effect on our subconscious. Watch positive films about successful stories, read books about success and do everything that makes you positive and motivated and helps you focus on your success.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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