Читать книгу The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits - Miki Lazović - Страница 13



School vacation has almost come to the end. In several days, new academic year will begin. My God, as time flies! Every day I felt heat in the hands more and more. With impatience, I waited for that moment when I will be able to begin to help people. In two days prior to the beginning of academic year, I was visited by mother. It is impossible to describe as I was delighted. I lacked my relatives very much, and with the occupations I have absolutely forgotten about them. Mother has pressed me to a breast and caressed for a long time. First of all, she has asked grandfather about my achievements in school and whether I was obedient or not. He has praised in everything having shown three gold medals which I have won. It seemed to me, it was God knows when, and there have passed only several months. Grandfather has explained to mother that I own salutary force, but he has held back other abilities. It has to remain a secret, even for dearest. Later, mother has complained of a sudden headache. Grandfather has given a sign and I have lowered her hands on the head. I have given the energy and pain she had immediately disappeared. Next day she has come back home to the cares and education of my relatives. I have become a little sad because of her departure and all the rest, and then I have again concentrated on exercises performance of which grandfather demanded from me. Grandfather admitted to me that he has caused a headache of my mother for her to be convinced of my salutary forces.

“You can do it yourself, even to several people at once. You can cause pain, and then stop it instantly”.

All knowledge I soaked up as a sponge soaks water and I trained myself hundreds and thousands of times. Everything worked well as soon as I thought everything was accomplished.

I remember it was a Sunday, at the end of October. At tops of mountains snow grew white. Having finished all field works we needed to feed and give to drink the cattle. That day grandfather has asked me:

“Sonny, whether you have heard that many people in the evening, before falling asleep, feel the unclear force from which they can’t be protected in any way. This force begins to smother so it seems to a person that at any moment he can die”.

I have thought that he wants to tell a terrifying story as he often did, but when he continued I have understood that it is something important and it will be required for me in the future.

“Many call this force, “an evil spirit”. I am telling you that when you master this exercise, you will have the most powerful weapon in this world. It will not be “dirty”, but your personal spirit. People to whom the spirit interferes can’t move and even utter one word. This feeling is as if something huge and heavy presses on a body. They would like to move or cry, but they are powerless to make something. And your spirit will suppress them to full exhaustion. When it sees, that soul begins to separate from a body, it will leave them. In the person there is panic to madness. If it repeats several nights in a row, so nowadays there is no any person who can sustain this”.

At first, I was frightened a little, but then I have understood that it will be my spirit and I will be able to control it as I want. The fact that it seemed terrible became interesting now. I listened carefully to grandfather as I wanted to learn it very much. I had to lie on the bed and make my own spirit come out of my body. I tried and many times I fell asleep in such situation, but I haven’t achieved the objectives. One night, after a set of attempts I managed it. The body remained on a bed and my spirit has risen and as though from a corner of the room I looked at my own body. I had nine minutes left. During this time by my spirit I could bypass three times the globe or visit someone who won’t feel my presence.

“If you tried to visit other people at the very beginning, your probability would meet someone whose spirit is much stronger than yours – words of grandfather who explained me it was remembered. – The strongest spirit of the living person can be absent in a body no more than nine minutes. There are people who are well trained so you will become soon. By their spirit they, though in a dream, feel coming spirit and distinguish whether it is stronger or weaker, than their own. If it is weaker, then that spirit will begin to protect itself. If it will feel, that it is stronger, then that spirit so it will attack yours and will try to destroy it. Soon, when you will improve this ability, there will be very few people in the world whose spirit will be stronger than yours. Take care, sonny, I said to you before that sometimes one second decides life or death. Never abuse by your spirit. Irrespective of the fact how angry people would be, don’t subject him to the excessive attack as you can take away life from him. If you make it, in any of the following exits irrespective of how important for your life, the spirit of the dead man killed by you will prevent to achieve any objectives. Or it will begin to appear at the nights when your forces are exhausted, thus trying to destroy you. If it won’t be able to harm you, then it will attack your relatives and darlings. I know what question you will ask – grandfather was ahead of me. – I have already told it to you once. It is impossible to kill spirit, but you can kill a body in which it lived. If to catch a spirit and not to allow return to a body, then the person will die and so his spirit won’t find everlasting peace and rest. Remember when priests at a funeral speak: “My God, my God, let the body which you have created from the earth to go back into the earth, and to the Holy Spirit let find rest and everlasting peace”. If a spirit doesn’t find rest and everlasting peace, then forty – one years it will wander on the ground with desire to sweep. After this time, the spirit will be installed in the newborn child. Surprisingly to parents, growing up, the child becomes inclined to quarrels and violence. So, once again I repeat, take care and don’t dare whatever angry you were, to cross border and thus to destroy someone’s life. You can use this method for the benefit of yourself and your family, as well as other people. I tell it, understanding that such force can be used with the purpose of revenge.

Know, in your business there is no revenge! Therefore, never use this force in the similar purposes. Even if somebody causes you intolerable pain and you will be inexcusably offended, even then you don’t kill anybody. Instead of it let your spirit visit similar people and become the reason of their sleeplessness, causing thus in them corporal and mental irritations. All richness of this world isn’t necessary to the person not realizing himself and nobody else around himself. That is why I have told that this most powerful weapon which exists. Imagine, if with this and with all the force which you possess, you use on someone. This person will feel as if the mountain has fallen to him. He would have no chances to oppose any your desire. Therefore, you have to keep this secret even from the relatives that someone from them unintentionally hasn’t given it and thus knowledge would fall into hands not of right people. Many of them would use this force and in the shortest possible time they could seize the world”.

“Don’t worry, grandfather, all these secrets I will keep as an apple eye”.

“Well, sonny. Now continue with occupations and always use the abilities only disinterestedly”.

I tried to improve this exercise very much. As well as all previous, and this exercise demanded a certain period of time for completion. I was convinced, as well as many times before, that the person can achieve any objectives, if he knows the correct way as to reach it. Before me the set of ways was opened. Each of them was correct and led me to success thanks to instructions of grandfather. I incessantly worked. Grandfather always supported me and set new purposes.

The chosen vessel. Fighting of the spirits

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