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The DNA of Thinking


From childhood, we see, listen, feel, sense, and formulate our mindset. Mindset is a mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.

The mindset is a list of standards set in your mind. As we grow, we add to our mindset from our elders, teachers, friends, and so forth and this mindset becomes later the judge to our responses and prejudices of colors, tastes, openness, beauty, and so forth, regardless of whether the mindset is negative or positive.

Since childhood, the mind becomes a dumping depot for all the learning and experiences you face in addition to your values, upbringing, and principles. Your personality, which the outside world sees, is the conditioning of these values, upbringing, and principles.

You may judge a person you come across to be closed, introvert, crazy, bad, and so forth if he or she does not match your mind’s ‘standards.’

What this judgment based on your set of values or standards reflect is your mindset. All these affect the way you make decisions in life and those decisions decide on which way your life goes. Therefore, the way you think is the key to your success in life.

Positive thinking can help bring about a significant positive change in your life and is the key you need to open the gates of success. The power of ‘law of attraction’ and thinking positively is something which has been endorsed by many people around the world.

“A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.”

– Patricia Neal

“You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.”

– Bonnie Prudden

“Like ability or a muscle, hearing your inner wisdom is strengthened by doing it.”

– Robbie Gass

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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