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Law of Attraction for Weight Loss


What you think becomes reality. If you think that you’re fat, then you are. If you believe that you will never lose weight, then you won’t.

Your thoughts will bring to you the exact vibration from the universe that you give. If you send out thoughts of not being able to succeed in losing weight, then you won’t overcome that until you change your thoughts.

Check out the people who have been wildly successful in weight loss even to the point of losing hundreds of pounds. No new information about weight loss suddenly appeared on the market.

What changed was the way the people thought about their weight loss journey. They turned from the negative can’t do it to the positive, ‘I’ve made up my mind and it’s happening’ way of thinking.

The universe responds by affirming that belief.

In weight loss, you will attract what you think and what you think will become your visualization of your weight loss journey. Your visualization will then determine what your attitude is toward losing weight.

You can’t help it if you were never taught how to eat properly and you gained a lot of weight. You can’t help it if health problems have packed pounds on to your frame. But what you have to do is not to focus on what you can’t help. Those are the negatives and those negatives will embed themselves in your life to keep you exactly where you are.

You can’t change what you can’t change, but you can change what you can change. You’re the master of how you allow things to affect you – of whether or not you let things and situations give you a negative viewpoint in life. You have the power to make any change happen.

Don’t visualize yourself as better looking or happier once the weight is off. You must love and accept yourself the way you are right now. Love yourself, accept yourself and take care of yourself.

How can you use the Law of Attraction to do this? How do you change what you want changed about your weight? Stop focusing on all the negatives about weight loss. Don’t dwell on what you can’t do such as, ‘I can’t have that second (or third) helping of pizza,’ instead keep your thoughts fixed on what you will gain. Stay focused on all of the positives associated with weight loss. Such as, ‘I’m going to get that new outfit because I am slender enough to fit into it.’ Decide that the battle of the bulge has already been won and then treat yourself as if it has. Expect positive results and you’ll get them.

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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