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One: Padmasana – The Lotus Pose for Meditation


Amongst the four poses prescribed for Japa and Dhyana, Padmasana comes foremost. It’s the best asana for meditation. Padmasana is suitable for lean people as well as youths.

Padmasana or the Lotus Pose is an important meditative asana and is mentioned in most yogic texts. In Sanskrit, ‘Padma’ means lotus and ‘Asana’ means pose. The hand mudras may vary, but the legs are always shown seated in the lotus pose.

Padmasana is considered one of the best poses for meditation. In Padmasana, the legs are locked together and the lower body is absolutely stable. Also, the back and spine will be straight. This is perfect for longer periods of meditation, as the body can be held motionless, with least distractions.

Padmasana may not be easy for beginners who are used to sitting in chairs all the time. In such cases, a little practice will be required to bring flexibility into the legs. One can do any exercise that stretches the lower legs, thigh and waist muscles to get this flexibility. Also the joints (ankles, knee and waist) should be made flexible by doing Pawanmuktasana series of exercises. Those suffering from backache and sacral pain, weak knee joints, etc. should avoid this asana.

Personal Development With Success Ingredients

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