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How to Do Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Оглавление1.Sit on the floor comfortably crossing your legs.
2.Lift the left leg and place it on the right thigh.
3.Lift the right leg and place it over the left leg. The knees must touch the floor but don’t worry if they don’t as they will with practice when the legs become flexible.
4.Pull and adjust the legs so that the feet face upwards and the heels are tucked in at the waist level near the pubic bone.
5.With the spine erect, broaden your chest and put the arms in the gap between the feet. Put the left palm over the right palm. Relax the muscles in the abdomen and chest. Relax the shoulders.
6.Breathe slowly and deeply. Focus the awareness on the breathing process. Balance and align the entire body.
7.Stay in this position for as long as you comfortably can. Meditators should sit for at least 20 minutes. 30 minutes to an hour is good enough for most practitioners.
8.The body should be absolutely still and relaxed and there should be no pains or stress, otherwise instead of meditating, the focus will be on the body and its discomforts. You may use a soft support such as pillow, cushion, etc., under the buttocks for comfort.
9.Traditionally, Padmasana is practiced with right leg over left leg; however, it can also be done with the left leg over the right leg. In this case, first the right leg is placed on the left thigh. Then the left leg is place over the right leg.
10.Padmasana can also be done with hands resting on the knees. In this case, the elbows are slightly bent and the hands rest on the knees, with palms facing upwards.