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Work-related Issues


The workplace can produce all manner of stresses and EFT can help to ease the ever-present irritations, frustrations and challenges, whether in relation to your boss, colleagues, deadlines or learning new skills. The technique can be used to release pent up energy and feelings of pressure, or applied whenever you feel tired or lethargic.

One work-related area for which people often apply EFT is a fear of public speaking. People with this phobia can suffer a tremendous amount of stress leading up to talking in public. Fears of forgetting words, making a fool of yourself or painful shyness can all be eradicated by simply tapping the meridian points. EFT can effectively remove blocks to success and personal performance – use it before meetings, presentations, cold calls or any situation where you feel under pressure to achieve. A young woman called Shelley used EFT to promote confidence and assertiveness within her job.

shelley’s story – self-confidence at work Shelley had started a job as sales assistant in a clothes store. She was relieved about this as it was only a few weeks before Christmas and she needed the extra money. Just a few days later she was told that she would not be paid until after Christmas as the wages were only paid once a month.

She was extremely upset and angry that she would not be able to afford Christmas presents for her family. We tapped for her anger, frustration and upset and she felt a little better. We then suggested that maybe she could ask for an advance and this was when deeper issues surfaced. She didn’t feel ‘good enough’ to ask for the money. She also felt that the manageress didn’t like her. We tapped for ‘I believe the manageress doesn’t like me’, ‘I don’t believe they will let me have a sub’ and ‘I don’t feel confident enough to ask’.

After the session Shelley felt totally different. Her energy had lifted and she felt good about herself. The next day she asked if she could have an advance. The manageress smiled and said ‘Of course, I’ll phone head office right away.’ She also praised Shelley on the standard of her work. A few weeks later she was asked if she would like to train for a managerial position.

Emotional Healing in Minutes: Simple Acupressure Techniques For Your Emotions

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