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Chapter 4 The Formula To Freedom


Now it’s time to introduce you to the EFT formula. It is based upon the original EFT procedure that Gary Craig devised, plus our own personal modifications that have evolved over time. It is probably unlike anything you have ever come across before. When first introduced to EFT, people find it very hard to believe that such a strange procedure can have any effect at all, let alone the dramatic results that it regularly achieves. The concept of the body’s energy relieving emotional blockages may take some adjusting to. However, EFT will work regardless of whether you believe in it or not; all it requires from you is to remain open to the healing approach.

It is important to become acquainted with and memorize the EFT procedure before you begin working with the technique. This is to ensure that you are familiar with the process and comfortable with the application, as well as understanding the purpose of each individual step. You will then be able to concentrate solely on the problem you are clearing, as opposed to trying to remember what step comes next! A description of the whole process now follows. It can be divided into ten easy steps and these are split into four distinct stages:

1 The Set-up

2 The Sequence

3 The Gamut

4 The Second Sequence

A complete round of EFT looks like this:

Emotional Healing in Minutes: Simple Acupressure Techniques For Your Emotions

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