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Preparing to Use Linux and Microsoft Windows Together


If you’re planning to run Linux and Microsoft Windows in a dual boot environment on the same machine, the odds are that you already have Windows installed and have been using it for some time. Because I hate to hear screams of anguish from new Linux users, take a moment to assess what you have and what you need to do.

On the off-chance that you actually don’t have Windows installed yet and still want that dual-boot capability, you should install Windows before you install Linux. Otherwise, during installation, Windows overwrites the part of your hard drive that Linux uses to store its boot menu. (This factor can create a mess later when you want to boot back into Linux!) Then after you have Windows installed, return here.

The majority of you, however, want to dual boot because you’ve got one machine and it’s already running a Windows installation that you really don't want to redo. The following sections walk through the processes required to get your computer ready for a dual boot environment.

Linux For Dummies

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