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Al-Ma’idah 5: 13

and We raised up from them twelve of their leaders,17 and Allah said: “Behold, I am with you; if you establish Prayer and pay Zakah and believe in My Prophets and help them, and lend Allah a goodly loan, I will certainly efface from you your evil deeds, and will surely cause you to enter the Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Whosoever of you disbelieves thereafter has indeed gone astray from the Right Way.”18 (13) Then, for their breach of the covenant We cast them away from Our Mercy and caused their hearts to harden. (And now they are in such a state that) they pervert words from their context and distort thei r meaning, and have forgotten a good portion of the teaching they were imparted, and regarding all except a few of them you continue to learn that they committed acts of treachery. ▶

17 The word naqib in Arabic denotes supervisor and censor. There were twelve tribes among the Israelites and each tribe was required to appoint one of its members as a naqib so that he might look after the affairs of his fellow-tribesmen and try to prevent them from becoming victims of irreligiousness and moral corruption.

18 Sawa’ al-sabil (Right Path) is the designated highway that would lead to one’s destination. Straying from the “Right Path” would take one off the highway as a result of which one might wander about and get lost.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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