Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 272


Al-Ma’idah 5: 27–9

Do not grieve over the condi- tion of these transgressing people.”24

(27) Narrate to them in all truth the story of the two sons of Adam. When both of them made an offering and it was accepted from one of them and was not accepted from the other, the latter said: “I will surely kill you.” Thereupon the former said: “Allah only accepts offerings from the God-fearing. (28) Even if you stretch forth your hand against me to kill me, I will not stretch forth my hand to kill you.25 Surely, I fear Allah, the Lord of the entire Universe. (29) I would desire that you be laden with my sin and with your own sin, and thus become among the inmates of the Fire. That indeed is the right recompense of the wrong-doers.” ▶

24 The purpose of referring to this event becomes clear if we reflect upon the context. The purpose seems to be to bring home to the Israelites that the punishment to which they would be subjected if they adopted a rebellious attitude towards Muhammad (peace be on him) would be even more severe than the one to which people were subjected in the time of Moses.

25 This does not mean that his brother assured him that when the latter stepped forward to kill him he would keep his hands tied and instead of defending himself he would stretch out his neck to be cut down. What this statement amounts to is an assurance on his part that even though his brother was intent on killing him, he himself had no such intention towards his brother.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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