Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 283


Al-Ma’idah 5: 53–4

(53) while those who believe will exclaim: “Are these the self-same people who solemnly swore by Allah that they were with you?” All their acts have gone to waste and now they are the losers.

(54) Believers! If any of you should ever turn away from your faith, remember that Allah will raise up a people whom He loves and who love Him; a people humble towards the believers, and firm towards the unbelievers;39 who will strive hard in the way of Allah and will not fear the reproach of the reproacher. This is the favour of Allah which He grants to whom He wills. Allah is All- Resourceful, All-Knowing.

39 To be “humble towards the believers” signifies that a person should never use his strength against the believers. His native intelligence, shrewdness, ability, influence, wealth, physical prowess, should not be used either for suppressing, persecuting or causing harm to the Muslims. Among themselves, the Muslims should always find him gentle, merciful, sympathetic and mild-tempered. On the contrary, to be “firm towards the unbelievers,” means that a believer, by virtue of the intensity of his faith, the sincerity of his conviction, strict adherence to his principles, his strength of character and his insight and perspicacity born of faith, should be firm as a rock in his dealing with the opponents of Islam, so that they find it impossible to dislodge him. There should be no doubt in their minds that the believer would rather lay down his life than compromise his position as regards his principles by yielding to external pressures.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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