Читать книгу Validating Product Ideas - Tomer Sharon - Страница 27

STEP 11: Eyeball the data and identify themes.


Another way to get a good grasp of experience sampling data is eyeballing. Eyeballing means you simply read the answers to the experience sampling question and get a feel for what answers are like and what categories are out there. Without any analysis, you’ll be able to reach conclusions about what you found.

Glance over the sample list of answers in Figure 1.6. What can you say about what you see there? You can see several categories bubbling up here very quickly (Figure 1.7). Some people are taking notes for creating lists, some are writing down ideas, and others are sketching stuff. What you just did was eyeball the data.

FIGURE 1.6 Sample experience sampling raw data.

FIGURE 1.7 Categories bubble up quickly when eyeballing the data.

After you analyzed the data, it’s time to synthesize it into themes and an answer (or answers) to the question you started with, which is “What do people need?” Have a look at the information you gathered about frequency. What questions come to mind when you look at it? Is there a certain category you need to dig into more? Why? List to yourself the big, emerging themes that came out of the data. What insights do they provide about user needs? Are there any features you think might support things you discovered in the data? If you work in a team, it’s best to complete this step together. Different team members will reach different conclusions from one another. Have those conversations to understand better what the data tells you.

Once you have reached conclusions and answered your research question (“What do people need?”), consider developing a product concept and have potential users react to it. More on how to do that, in the next chapters.

A theme is an answer to the research question. Each theme has a title, a one- to two-paragraph description, and a design implication. Let’s look at the following example.

Validating Product Ideas

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