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Experience Sampling Checklist


 Define the scope and phrase an experience sampling question.

 Find research participants.

 Decide how long it will take participants to answer.

 Decide how many data points you need.

 Choose a medium to send and collect data.

 Plan the analysis.

 Set participant expectations.

 Launch a pilot, then the study, and monitor responses.

 Analyze data.

 Generate bar charts.

 Eyeball the data and identify themes.

Will smiled at the woman coding next to him. “Hey, thanks for the assist. I love hackathons.”

The woman grinned back, pulling off an MIT sweatshirt. “I’ve only done hackathons with BGC—Black Girls Code. I thought it might be time to branch out a bit, though. If women of color are going to take their place in digital space, it means broadening our scope.”

“Big plans, huh?”

Her smile was wide, and her expression was determined. “Huge plans.”

He felt a sense of kinship. “Me, too. Zuckerberg, look out!”

She laughed.

“I’ve been going to meetups, events, and hackathons for the past few years, making connections,” he said. “I want to learn about as much cool, new technology as possible.”

“Come up with any ideas?”

“I’ve got an automated build server. I’ve written my own specialized profiler, and I’ve got an open-source project on GitHub.” Of course, none of it had the hockey-stick growth curve that he’d been hoping for, but he was still plugging away. “How about you?”

She shook her head. “Still figuring it out.” She wrinkled her nose. “I have this bad habit of getting really picky and perfectionist, especially in the last stages. My sister says it’s a form of self-sabotage.”

“Hey, we all make mistakes,” he said, “I lost a week’s work to a botched commit, and had to rewrite all of it. Twice!”

“I hate it when that happens!”

“You’ve got great coding skills,” he noticed. “We work well together. We should totally work on a project. What do you say?”

“Yeah, sure. Why not?” She shook hands with him, a firm handshake that meant business.

“I can show you what I’m working on right now,” he said, opening his laptop.

“Hey, that’s really good,” she said, after scanning the lines. Then she frowned. “You put this on Reddit?”

“Yeah. So?”

She shook her head. “Dude, there’s got to be a better way to share this stuff.”

Validating Product Ideas

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