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When Should You Ask the Question?


Getting an answer to the question “Who are the users?” just as strategizing begins is the most helpful timing. That said, it almost never happens. Because it is not always clear when a new idea for a product, feature, or service is born, it’s also not clear when strategizing around it actually begins. Therefore, any time in the early stages of strategizing is great for asking (and answering) the question (see Figure 2.3).

Assuming the question was answered in the early stages of strategizing, there is no reason to answer it again during the execution stage. After your product has been launched, there might be new, additional audiences using it. If you want to learn who these new audiences are, answering the question anytime after launch is going to be helpful. It will also support future developments and changes to the product.

FIGURE 2.3 When is a good time to ask “Who are the users?” The big circle represents the best time, while the smaller ones indicate other times recommended for asking the question.

While many people mistake analytics data as a way to answer the “Who are the users?” question, data gathered on visitors is limited to basic demographics of people who choose to identify themselves. It’s extremely limited in terms of describing your true audience, their behaviors, and motivations. Therefore, an answer to the question is qualitative in nature, not quantitative.

A hint for you about good timing to answer the question with lean user research is when you find yourself looking at analytics data over and over again, not knowing how to design using it, not learning anything new about customers that inspires design or roadmap decisions, not agreeing on what it means for the product, or just taking wild (or even thoughtful) guesses about what it means. Answering the question through interviewing users will give meaning to analytics data.

Validating Product Ideas

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