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Persistence means never giving up, sticking to it. Salespeople will get 10 times more “nos” than “yeses,” so persistence and grit are vital and salespeople need to continue working on prospects past any initial uninformed “no” they might encounter. Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, a Facebook board member, and head of the venture capital fund, Greylock Partners, has a podcast titled “Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman.” In one of his podcasts, Hoffman interviews Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google, and he asks Schmidt what Google looks for when it hires people. Schmidt’s answer is, “Persistence is the single best predictor of future success, so we look for persistence.”10 Google bases its hiring decisions on the analysis of massive amounts of data, so if Google has found that persistence is the single best predictor of future success, we should probably learn from Google and emphasize persistence in the AESKOPP approach to selling.

Media Selling

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