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Take Full Responsibility for Your “Cycle of Success”


High achievers set demanding objectives and goals, enjoy solving problems, take calculated risks, want immediate feedback on their performance, and take personal responsibility for their own “cycle of success” (see Figure 4.2).

The cycle of success is an ongoing cycle of ever‐more demanding objectives and goals that lead to ever‐increasing success. But just as the AESKOPP formula for success was multiplicative in the sense that if any of the seven AESKOPP elements were not present, success could not be achieved, so it is with the cycle of success in that all of the elements are inextricably linked.

Figure 4.2 The Cycle of Success

The cycle is your cycle. You own it and must take full responsibility for keeping it moving. What drives it, the motor for this cycle, is your dream. Remember the words of Walt Disney earlier in this chapter: If you can dream it, you can do it.

Media Selling

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