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What matters to you?


When you get your feedback from a test, a coach, or a trusted colleague, let that information tell you what you want to improve on. But you also have to consider what your goals are, or what you want to get better at now and in the future. Your own EQ is completely tied up in your own sense of self, so that being intrinsically motivated to make the effort to change matters more than simply learning a skill such communicating or closing. You have to have a long‐term goal, such as attaining a leadership position of a sales manager or a CEO, or being a better team member, or getting better at managing yourself. When you have a specific goal it helps you have the discipline to focus on one of the four areas of EQ and make discernable, incremental changes. For example, let’s say you get feedback that your are not a great listener, but you think you are. Instead of seeing this feedback as an attack, step back and consider your goal of becoming sales manager. Ask yourself if being a better listener would improve your chances of being a sales manager. Seeing feedback in this light can help you position it as an opportunity to take a step toward achieving your goal.

Media Selling

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