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Logos serve as visual reminders to viewers. Your logo should be powerful enough to trigger people to think about the type of vlogs you make as soon as they see it. Think of Apple’s part-eaten apple, Audi’s four interlinked rings or the Nike swoosh. Everyone knows the apple is associated with fancy phones and computers, the rings are a sign of a luxury car, and the swoosh signifies sports gear. A logo will give your vlog a stronger sense of brand identity.

It’s worth taking the time to come up with a good logo as you’ll be using it often. Your logo will appear on promotional material like business cards and posters, and you may also choose to have it as one of the profile pictures for your social media accounts. There’s nothing worse than rushing a logo and then getting bored or embarrassed by it later down the line. You can’t expect others to like your logo if you don’t like it yourself.

When designing your logo, make sure the design sums up what your vlog is about. This is important for anyone with an online brand – bloggers and vloggers – as little visual clues are useful in helping people to remember your content. My blog Live Like a VIP has lots of stars in the design because ‘star’ is another term for ‘VIP’ in the celebrity world. Grab a thesaurus and look up words related to your vlogging theme. Do any of those words conjure up a strong visual image that you could incorporate into your logo?

Your logo will be the first thing viewers see when they visit your YouTube channel as it’s positioned at the top of the page, so it’s vital to make it look visually attractive. Flick through some magazines for cool images that relate to your vlog and create a mood board. You could do the same online by browsing websites and saving the images or ‘pinning’ them to a Pinterest Board. Hopefully, you will notice a recurring pattern or image running throughout your mood board. Focus on that type of image. Is there a way you can simplify it? YouTube doesn’t offer much space for a logo to be displayed, and a complicated design may struggle when it’s shrunk. Your viewers should be able to glance at your logo and understand the theme of your vlog and what image you’re trying to project.

It’s also a very good idea to look at other vloggers for inspiration. Don’t pay too much attention to the colours and fonts they’ve used as you want your logo to be as unique as possible. Instead, think about how they’ve designed something that reflects their brand. What have they used in their logo that sums up what their videos are about? If there are no images, how have they picked a text font that indicates the type of audience they’re aiming at?

With some vague ideas in mind, it’s almost time to put pen to paper. There are just four more design elements to consider – word-to-image ratio, colour, font and size.

Get Rich Blogging

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