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Knowing the ‘rule of thirds’ will help make your videos more interesting and keep viewers engaged until the very end.

The rule of thirds states that the viewers’ screen can be divided into three-by-three equal parts, totalling nine sections. The intersection point of any four of those sections forms an interest point for the human eye. Therefore, you need to frame objects of interest within these intersection points. Most importantly, make sure your eyes are framed within one of those intersections. Now work out where the other intersection points are, and make sure they’re not empty. If you’re not in one of these points, fill up the area with a poster, photos or fairy lights, as this will make your videos a lot more captivating.

The rule of thirds can be a hard concept to grasp when you’re first starting out, as it takes time to be able to spot intersection points automatically. To keep things simple, find a white piece of paper or tracing paper and cut it to the same size as the screen of the computer you edit your videos on. Use a pen and ruler to draw nine equal boxes over the paper and affix it to your screen. Now go back to the set, get your background ready, jump into shot and film a small piece to camera. Play the footage back on the computer screen and look at where the objects in your set are in relation to the boxes on the grid. Are your eyes framed by an intersection? If not, you need to change where you sit on set. Are the other intersections full or empty? Change your set around until there is something in every point of intersection, i.e. every interest point.

Get Rich Blogging

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