Читать книгу Get Rich Blogging - Zoe Griffin - Страница 38



The positioning of your camera is vital. Camera angle refers to how high up the camera is in relation to the subject being filmed. Think about how you hold the camera when you take a selfie with your phone or digital camera. A good trick for a selfie is to hold the camera higher than you and angle it downwards so it’s looking down on you. This angle will have a slimming effect, and it will also appear as if you have more defined cheekbones. Hold the camera below you and you’re at risk of a double chin. This trick translates to video, meaning a more flattering shot will result if the camera is slightly above you. Alternatively, try the camera at eye level and see if you prefer that. You could use other angles at various points in your vlogs; for example, bird’s eye view – where the camera is directly overhead – could be used to showcase products, or you could use a point-of-view (POV) angle – where you hold the camera so that it shows what you see – if you’re reviewing an event. Once you’ve decided on your angles, you could experiment with different camera positions and degrees of zoom. For the most part, you’ll probably be sat down facing the camera with your head and shoulders in shot, but you could try filming some footage with the camera off to one side, or zoomed in on your face or other items showcased in your vlogs. It’s a good idea to mix it up and experiment – you could discover a really quirky or original use of the camera that will give your vlogs something extra. Remember to take into account the rule of thirds!

Get Rich Blogging

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