Читать книгу Das Naturwiesland der Schweiz und Mitteleuropas - Andreas Bosshard - Страница 6



Grasslands of Switzerland and Central Europe. With emphasis on Arrhenatheretum meadows and sustainable fodder production

In mountainous regions with a temperate climate, grasslands provide the most important ecosystem for agriculture and the production of milk and meat. At the same time, agriculturally used grasslands encompass a major part of Central Europe’s native biodiversity. Thus in natural grassland systems agricultural production and preservation of biodiversity are closely linked. This book shows, with a particular focus on Switzerland and Central Europe, fundamental synergies between ecology and economy, and between the production of food and landscape values of grasslands – but also considerable risks and challenges.

The first section of the book outlines the ecology, productivity, management and t ypology of Mid-European grasslands, with an emphasis on fertilised grasslands. The second section gives an encompassing overview of the genesis and history of grasslands, their use, composition and management in Central Europe. Meadows are revealed as a young ecosystem whose use was closely linked to the availability of excellent steel quality for the scythes.

Recent changes of management and botanical composition of intensively used meadows are described in detail. A new study comparing historical and current vegetation surveys in the Swiss lowlands reveals a dramatic decline of species diversity during the last six decades. In the 1950s, the most intensively managed meadows were Arrhenatherum hay meadows (Arrhenatheretum). More than 85 % of these achieved the QII standard defining meadows with “high biodiversity value”. According to a current inventory, these Arrhenatherum meadows have been almost completely replaced by species-poor, highly intensified grassland, and QII-Arrhenatherum meadows now make up less than 2 % of the permanent grassland area in the Swiss lowlands.

The third section of the book outlines perspectives, criteria, and actions for a resource-efficient, site-adapted grassland management. The actual intensity of grassland use often exceeds the optimum economically, ecologically and ethologically sustainable level. A main driving force is the aim to achieve a high output of milk per cow and unsustainably high cow densities based on huge fodder imports to the farm. In many cases, this production system generates high costs and low economic and ecological sustainability.

Based on examples, facts and figures, the book describes alternatives and gives clear prespectives for practioners, consultants and public authorities on how to achieve an economic and nature friendly grassland management adapted to the specific situation of the farm. A cost- and resource-effective milk and meat production based on natural grasslands is capable of generating more income with considerable added value with respect to the environment and biodiversity.

Keywords: agriculture, permanent grassland, productivity, resource-efficiency, economy, milk production, biodiversity decline, agricultural history, Arrhenatheretum meadow, grassland typology, sustainability, hay meadow.

Das Naturwiesland der Schweiz und Mitteleuropas

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