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1. Make a list of all of your talents, abilities, honors, accomplishments, and good qualities, and share this list with your partner. I’ve given this assignment to women in my seminars, and have heard some amazing stories about the results it produced. Many women report that just writing out their good qualities, abilities, and successes reminded them of things they’d completely forgotten and certainly never talked about with their partners. And the men report that they are surprised and delighted to discover more characteristics about their women to love.

2. Catch yourself not accepting compliments, putting yourself down, or minimizing your achievements, and practice CELEBRATING YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. You’ll be surprised to notice how often you make Mistake #4, and how much of an unconscious habit it’s become. Catch yourself in the act, and shift from covering up your excellence to celebrating yourself. The next time someone compliments you, take a deep breath and simply say, “Thank you!” Throw your false modesty out the window.

3. Look for a man who wants to let you shine. We all know there are men out there who, for a variety of reasons, don’t want to be with a woman who appears powerful or confident. It’s hard to celebrate yourself around someone who isn’t interested in seeing you shine. Make sure your partner supports you in becoming the magnificent woman you’re meant to be.

Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know

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