Читать книгу Look 15 Years Younger: The 15-Minute-a-Day Yoga Plan - Barbara Currie - Страница 21



Our ductless glands control the amazing chemistry of our bodies, carefully regulating and controlling the mind-body relationship. If our body manual taught us that the detrimental effect of stress can upset our entire glandular system, we would understand how the pituitary – the master gland of the body – controls the secretions of all the other glands. In yoga we help balance the pituitary with the Headstand. The thyroid gland controls our metabolism, and the parathyroids control the calcium and phosphate level in the blood. The most important exercises for these glands are the Shoulderstand and the Fish. The sex hormones, if imbalanced, can lead to menstrual problems and infertility in women, and fertility problems in men. The Cobra, Bow, Locust and deep relaxation help these areas tremendously.

The adrenal glands, together with the sex hormones and corticosteroids, produce adrenalin to arouse the body to flee or fight. These glands are kept in excellent condition by movements such as the Cobra, Crescent Moon and Camel. Deep relaxation and meditation also relieve the stress that arouses this reaction. The pancreas is essential for the production of insulin to regulate the blood sugar of the body. The Pose of a Peacock and the Spinal Twist help balance this organ – and again, a healthy natural diet stops to body from overloading with excess sugar.

Look 15 Years Younger: The 15-Minute-a-Day Yoga Plan

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