Читать книгу Master the Brand Called YOU: The Proven Leadership Personal Branding System to Help You Earn More, Do More and Be More At Work - Brenda Bence - Страница 18

Colleagues’ Brands at Work


Still don’t believe the average person has a brand? Think of someone in your current job who is enjoyable to be around—the kind of person you look forward to seeing and speaking with every morning. Stop for a moment and consider: How do you perceive this person? What do you think about this individual? How does he or she make you feel?

Now, consider a different person you work with who—let’s be honest—you really don’t enjoy working with all that much. It’s that one person who seems to cause you problems and tie your stomach in knots. How do you perceive him or her? What do you think about this individual? How does this person make you feel?

Can you see how these two people have very different “brands”? And their brands have nothing to do with who they think they are. Their brands exist in your mind, based on how you perceive, think, and feel about them. And if they haven’t taken the time to define their best possible leadership personal brands, they may be seriously limiting their success by presenting themselves in a way that is different from how they want to be seen.

Master the Brand Called YOU: The Proven Leadership Personal Branding System to Help You Earn More, Do More and Be More At Work

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