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Using artboards for a multidimensional project


Let me illustrate a basic but typical multi-artboard workflow: one where you create different versions of the same graphic but with different dimensions. In doing that, I share some techniques and approaches you can apply to your own particular needs.

Suppose that you are tasked with designing an ad that will run in different social media platforms and in different orientations: square, horizontal (landscape), and portrait (vertical). The ad must have the same basic content but fit the following size specs:

 Square: 1080 pixels

 Vertical: 1080 pixels wide by 1350 pixels high

 Horizontal: 1200 pixels by 628 pixels

The following steps are an efficient way to set up the artboards for this project:

1 Create a new document with one 1080 px square artboard, as shown in Figure 2-7.Choose File ⇒ New, and bypass the New Document dialog by clicking More Settings. The More Settings dialog appears.Name the project Ads.In the Profile drop-down, choose Web.In the Number of Artboards box, enter 3.Set the artboard arrangement to Arrange by Row (the third icon).In the Height and Width boxes, enter 1080. The Units setting will default to Pixels, and the Color Mode to RGB. These and other defaults are fine.Click Create New Document.FIGURE 2-7: Defining a three-artboard document.

2 Name the three artboards Square, Vertical, and Horizontal:If the Artboards panel is not displayed, choose Window ⇒ Artboards.Double-click the name of Artboard 1 and type Square. In the same way, rename the second artboard Vertical and the third artboard Horizontal.Choose View ⇒ Fit All in Window to see all three artboards, as shown in Figure 2-8.FIGURE 2-8: Naming artboards.

3 Resize the Vertical and Horizontal artboards:In the Artboard panel, double-click the icon to the right of the artboard named Vertical. In the Control panel that appears, change the height to 1350 px and click OK.In a similar way, change the dimensions of the Horizontal artboard to 1200 pixels wide by 628 pixels high.

4 Arrange the artboards to create a more coherent display:Click Rearrange All Artboards in the Control panel. The Rearrange All Artboards dialog opens.Keep the Arrange by Row layout and the left-to-right Layout Order settings you defined when you created the document. Leave the spacing set to 20 pixels, and leave Move Artwork with Artboards selected, as shown in Figure 2-9, then click OK.FIGURE 2-9: Arranging artboards.This step keeps the basic layout structure in place, but resets the spacing between the resized artboards so they don’t overlap.

5 Design your ad on one of the artboards.In Figure 2-10, I started with the square ad.FIGURE 2-10: Designing a single artboard.

6 Copy the first ad content to the other artboards:Use the Selection or Direct Selection tool to select all the content in the first artboard, the one with the content.Choose Edit ⇒ Cut.Choose Edit ⇒ Paste on All Artboards.The Paste on All Artboards technique pays for itself when you're working with dozens or even hundreds of artboards! Of course, the pasted artwork doesn’t fit properly in differently sized artboards. Fixing that is the last step.

7 Edit the design of the horizontal and vertical artboards to make the square content fit, as shown in Figure 2-11.FIGURE 2-11: Customizing designs for different artboards.

What do you do with a set of artboards? They are automatically saved as part of your Illustrator document. After that, you can export one, some, or all of them for screen or print output. I explain how to do that next.

Adobe Illustrator CC For Dummies

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