Читать книгу Adobe Illustrator CC For Dummies - Judith Muhr, David Karlins - Страница 4
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: Illustrator tutorials accessible from the home screen.FIGURE 1-2: Choosing from recently opened files.FIGURE 1-3: Adding the Magic Wand to the Basic toolbar.FIGURE 1-4: Using a workspace to populate the screen with selected sets of pane...FIGURE 1-5: Docking a panel.FIGURE 1-6: Grouped panels.FIGURE 1-7: Option for styling type in the Control and Properties panels.FIGURE 1-8: Opening a panel from linked text in the Control panel.FIGURE 1-9: Configuring document properties in the Properties panel.
2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Document presets grouped in tabs.FIGURE 2-2: Mobile presets.FIGURE 2-3: Drawing an artboard.FIGURE 2-4: Generating an artboard with the Artboard Options dialog.FIGURE 2-5: Moving an artboard.FIGURE 2-6: Resizing an artboard.FIGURE 2-7: Defining a three-artboard document.FIGURE 2-8: Naming artboards.FIGURE 2-9: Arranging artboards.FIGURE 2-10: Designing a single artboard.FIGURE 2-11: Customizing designs for different artboards.FIGURE 2-12: Exporting selected artboards.
3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: Selecting an object to place.FIGURE 3-2: Locating and sizing a placed object.FIGURE 3-3: Updating a placed object.FIGURE 3-4: Converting a placed object from linked to embedded.FIGURE 3-5: Placing text in an octagon.FIGURE 3-6: Selecting a placed image to crop.FIGURE 3-7: Cropping a linked image.FIGURE 3-8: Drawing a clipping mask.FIGURE 3-9: Editing a clipping mask.FIGURE 3-10: Sketching in Adobe Illustrator Draw (left) and setting the sketch ...FIGURE 3-11: Image Trace presets are intuitively named for different types of a...FIGURE 3-12: Customizing and previewing trace settings in the Image Trace panel...FIGURE 3-13: Editing a traced image.
4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: This app interface prototype screen is built almost exclusively wit...FIGURE 4-2: This graphic is built with just rectangles and ellipses.FIGURE 4-3: Revealed: rectangles and ellipses.FIGURE 4-4: Pulling the Shape tool’s flyout off the toolbar.FIGURE 4-5: Moving the shape tools flyout around the workspace.FIGURE 4-6: The Constrain Width and Height Proportions feature is turned off in...FIGURE 4-7: Locating a generated rectangle in relation to the insertion point.FIGURE 4-8: Locating a generated ellipse.FIGURE 4-9: Rounding a rectangle.FIGURE 4-10: Defining an octagon.FIGURE 4-11: Defining a five-pointed star, with the outer radius twice the size...FIGURE 4-12: Generating a line segment.FIGURE 4-13: A line segment, curved without a fill (top) and with a fill (botto...FIGURE 4-14: Applying (top to bottom) a butt, a round, and a projecting cap to ...FIGURE 4-15: Dimensions are displayed when you draw a rectangle.FIGURE 4-16: Exploring shape-friendly options in the Control panel.FIGURE 4-17: Defining shape colors in RGB.FIGURE 4-18: Moving a shape.FIGURE 4-19: Moving selected shapes.FIGURE 4-20: Copying selected shapes.FIGURE 4-21: Editing a shape path with the Direct Selection tool.FIGURE 4-22: Editing an anchor location with the Direct Selection tool.FIGURE 4-23: Resizing selected shapes while maintaining the height-to-width rat...FIGURE 4-24: Interactively resizing a circle and two line segments while mainta...FIGURE 4-25: Interactively rotating selected shapes.FIGURE 4-26: Defining a border radius interactively.FIGURE 4-27: Selecting an anchor in a circle.FIGURE 4-28: Creating a semicircle by deleting an anchor.FIGURE 4-29: A compound path was used to let the trees be visible through slats...FIGURE 4-30: Selecting a set of objects to combine into a compound path.FIGURE 4-31: Applying a compound path to selected objects.FIGURE 4-32: Moving a compound path.FIGURE 4-33: Attempting to apply a Pathfinder effect from the menu to two overl...FIGURE 4-34: Applying the same Pathfinder effect from the Pathfinder panel.FIGURE 4-35: The effects of Pathfinder panel tools on two overlapping objects.FIGURE 4-36: Defining a Perspective Grid.FIGURE 4-37: Accessing the Perspective Grid tool and Perspective Selection tool...FIGURE 4-38: Adjusting the vanishing points.FIGURE 4-39: Selecting a pane to edit.FIGURE 4-40: Drawing a rectangle on the Perspective Grid.FIGURE 4-41: Editing a shape in the Perspective Grid.FIGURE 4-42: An illustration composed of isometric shapes.FIGURE 4-43: Previewing an isometric effect on a rectangle.FIGURE 4-44: Editing an effect expanded as isometric shapes.
5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: The Direct Selection tool flyout reveals the Group Selection and La...FIGURE 5-2: Adding the Magic Wand tool to the Basic toolbar.FIGURE 5-3: Drawing a marquee with the Selection tool.FIGURE 5-4: Adding to a selection.FIGURE 5-5: Using the Direct Selection tool to move a path.FIGURE 5-6: Using the Lasso tool to select objects.FIGURE 5-7: Selecting objects of similar fill and stroke color.FIGURE 5-8: Defining Magic Wand properties.FIGURE 5-9: Enabling global editing.FIGURE 5-10: Applying appearance and size criteria for global edit.FIGURE 5-11: Using global edit mode to recolor all the windows in the illustrat...FIGURE 5-12: Grouping a set of player controls.FIGURE 5-13: Choosing the Group Selection tool from the Basic toolbar.FIGURE 5-14: Selecting one object within a group using the Group Selection tool...FIGURE 5-15: Selecting larger and larger groups with repeated clicks with the D...FIGURE 5-16: Isolation mode applied to the clown’s face on the right.FIGURE 5-17: Backing out of isolation mode one group at a time.FIGURE 5-18: Defining guides from an artboard-based ruler.FIGURE 5-19: Defining grid settings.FIGURE 5-20: Resizing an object within a grid.FIGURE 5-21: Aligning horizontal and vertical center points with SmartGuides.FIGURE 5-22: Vertical centering with the Align panel.FIGURE 5-23: Distributing objects within a selection.FIGURE 5-24: Horizontally distributing objects.FIGURE 5-25: Moving an object behind another object.
6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: Selecting an image to use as a template layer.FIGURE 6-2: Hiding or displaying a template layer.FIGURE 6-3: Designing on top of a template layer.FIGURE 6-4: Renaming a layer.FIGURE 6-5: Creating a new layer.FIGURE 6-6: The Layers panel with three layers and 60 px high rows.FIGURE 6-7: Moving circles front-to-back in the Circles layer.FIGURE 6-8: A document with three layers.FIGURE 6-9: Changing the stacking order of layers.FIGURE 6-10: Locating an object in the Layers panel.FIGURE 6-11: Moving an object from one layer to another.FIGURE 6-12: Targeting a layer.FIGURE 6-13: Applying transparency and Pucker & Bloat effect a layer.FIGURE 6-14: A poster with the Type layer targeted.FIGURE 6-15: Only one layer is unlocked for editing.
7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: Revealing paths by using the Selection tool.FIGURE 7-2: Exposing anchors by using the Direct Selection tool.FIGURE 7-3: Selecting an anchor.FIGURE 7-4: Moving an anchor.FIGURE 7-5: Selecting the beginning and end anchors.FIGURE 7-6: Closing an open path.FIGURE 7-7: Connecting anchors from two separate paths to form a single object.FIGURE 7-8: A corner anchor connecting two straight line segments (left), a com...FIGURE 7-9: Editing a curved anchor.FIGURE 7-10: Defining a curve as you draw with the Pen tool.FIGURE 7-11: Preparing to remove one handle to create a combination anchor as y...FIGURE 7-12: Adding a straight angle anchor.FIGURE 7-13: Deleting an anchor by using the Delete Anchor tool.FIGURE 7-14: Adding an anchor by using the Add Anchor tool.FIGURE 7-15: A waveform created by using the Pen tool.FIGURE 7-16: Defining a wave-friendly grid.FIGURE 7-17: Setting Pen tool styling in the Control panel.FIGURE 7-18: Using the Pen tool to draw the first two waves in a waveform.FIGURE 7-19: Completing a waveform by using the Pen tool.FIGURE 7-20: Adding a legend, a background gradient, and some horizontal and ve...
8 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Accessing the Pencil tool.FIGURE 8-2: Defining smoothness for the Pencil tool.FIGURE 8-3: Using the Pencil tool to draw smooth curves.FIGURE 8-4: Five states of the Pencil tool.FIGURE 8-5: Applying the Smooth tool.FIGURE 8-6: Previewing a curve with Illustrator’s Rubber Band.FIGURE 8-7: Transforming a straight anchor into a curve with the Curvature tool...FIGURE 8-8: The Blob Brush feels like a stroke-drawing tool but creates filled ...FIGURE 8-9: Merge Only with Selection enabled (left) and disabled (right).FIGURE 8-10: Defining options for the Blob Brush tool.FIGURE 8-11: The Eraser tool at work.FIGURE 8-12: Adding the Shaper tool to the Basic toolbar.FIGURE 8-13: Using the Shaper tool to generate a triangle.FIGURE 8-14: Combining shapes with the Shape Builder tool; the result is shown ...FIGURE 8-15: Transforming a dancer with the Puppet Warp tool.FIGURE 8-16: Working with multiple pins and the Puppet Warp tool.FIGURE 8-17: Using rotation on a pin with the Puppet Warp.
9 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Applying a brush to a path.FIGURE 9-2: Painting with the Paintbrush tool.FIGURE 9-3: Revealing anchors in a brush path.FIGURE 9-4: Removing a brush from a path.FIGURE 9-5: Adding brushes to the Brushes panel.FIGURE 9-6: Filtering the Brushes panel for calligraphic brushes.FIGURE 9-7: Surveying bristle brushes in thumbnail view.FIGURE 9-8: Applying a bristle brush to a path.FIGURE 9-9: Painting with a bristle brush.FIGURE 9-10: Underlying objects show through transparencies and gaps in bristle...FIGURE 9-11: Adding a bristle brush to the Brushes panel.FIGURE 9-12: Defining a custom brush.FIGURE 9-13: Applying a custom bristle brushstroke.FIGURE 9-14: Viewing some of Illustrator’s calligraphic brushes.FIGURE 9-15: A custom calligraphic brush in the Brushes panel.FIGURE 9-16: Defining and previewing settings for a new custom calligraphic bru...FIGURE 9-17: An art brush applied to differently sized paths.FIGURE 9-18: Creating a new art brush from an object.FIGURE 9-19: Defining an art brush.FIGURE 9-20: Interactively defining scatter brush options.FIGURE 9-21: Artwork for a pattern swatch.FIGURE 9-22: Dragging a corner pattern into the Swatches panel.FIGURE 9-23: Naming swatches.FIGURE 9-24: Choosing a corner swatch.FIGURE 9-25: Applying a pattern brush to a rectangular frame.FIGURE 9-26: Tweaking a pattern brush.
10 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Viewing the Symbols panel in large list view.FIGURE 10-2: Deleting unused symbols.FIGURE 10-3: Viewing the Flowers panel.FIGURE 10-4: Populating the Symbols panel with symbols from the Flowers library...FIGURE 10-5: Sizing and rotating a selected symbol instance.FIGURE 10-6: Replacing instances of one symbol with instances of a different sy...FIGURE 10-7: Creating a new symbol from artwork in the canvas.FIGURE 10-8: Examining a custom dynamic symbol instance.FIGURE 10-9: Naming a symbol instance.FIGURE 10-10: Styling selected candles (but not flames) within a group of insta...FIGURE 10-11: Exiting symbol editing mode, applying edits to a dynamic symbol.FIGURE 10-12: Edits to a dynamic symbol applied to instances.FIGURE 10-13: Spraying symbol instances with the Symbol Sprayer.FIGURE 10-14: Defining Symbol Sprayer options.FIGURE 10-15: Resizing a set of sprayed symbols.
11 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Defining CMYK as a document color mode.FIGURE 11-2: Defining CMYK color.FIGURE 11-3: Adding a Pantone color book to the Swatches panel.FIGURE 11-4: Applying a Pantone color to a selected fill.FIGURE 11-5: Defining an RGB color with a hexadecimal value.FIGURE 11-6: Converting a color to grayscale.FIGURE 11-7: Applying a fill color from the toolbox.FIGURE 11-8: Using the color mixer to apply a fill color to two selected object...FIGURE 11-9: Choosing a color swatch for selected strokes from Control panel.FIGURE 11-10: Getting color advice from the Color Guide panel.FIGURE 11-11: The Edit Colors window.FIGURE 11-12: Applying a fill color from a custom color theme.FIGURE 11-13: Applying a stroke color from a shared color theme.FIGURE 11-14: Adding a color theme to the Swatches panel for a document.FIGURE 11-15: Adding a single color from a theme to the Swatches panel for a do...FIGURE 11-16: Adding a color from the Properties panel to the Swatches panel.FIGURE 11-17: Selecting a color from a placed photo with the Eyedropper tool.FIGURE 11-18: Adding a color from a photo to the Swatches panel.FIGURE 11-19: A conventional fill can't be applied to the area where the two el...FIGURE 11-20: Converting selected objects into a Live Paint group.FIGURE 11-21: Applying a color fill to a Live Paint face.FIGURE 11-22: Selecting a Live Paint face with the Live Paint Selection tool.FIGURE 11-23: Selecting a Live Paint edge with the Live Paint Selection tool.FIGURE 11-24: Using the Live Paint Selection tool to color an edge.FIGURE 11-25: Defining gap options.FIGURE 11-26: Previewing gap detection.FIGURE 11-27: Merging two Live Paint groups.FIGURE 11-28: Applying Live Paint color to multiple faces.
12 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: A gradient applied to a slice of watermelon.FIGURE 12-2: A gradient applied to create the illusion of depth.FIGURE 12-3: Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal linear gradients (left to right...FIGURE 12-4: The setting sun in the illustration uses a radial gradient fill.FIGURE 12-5: A freeform gradient.FIGURE 12-6: Applying a gradient from a swatch panel.FIGURE 12-7: Applying a gradient to a stroke.FIGURE 12-8: Renaming a swatch.FIGURE 12-9: Editing gradient properties.FIGURE 12-10: Defining beginning and ending color stops.FIGURE 12-11: Adjusting the midpoint in a gradient transition.FIGURE 12-12: Defining gradient rotation angle.FIGURE 12-13: Applying transparency to a color stop.FIGURE 12-14: Defining a gradient for strokes applied within the stroke.FIGURE 12-15: Adding a gradient to the Swatches panel.FIGURE 12-16: Defining a radial gradient.FIGURE 12-17: Changing a radial gradient from a circle to an ellipse.FIGURE 12-18: Rotating a radial gradient.FIGURE 12-19: Editing a color stop with Gradient Annotator.FIGURE 12-20: Rotating a linear gradient interactively.FIGURE 12-21: Rotating a radial gradient interactively — Gradient Annotator and...FIGURE 12-22: Defining a points gradient.FIGURE 12-23: Recoloring stops in a points gradient.FIGURE 12-24: Defining spread for color stops for a freeform points gradient.FIGURE 12-25: A step blend applied to generate … steps.FIGURE 12-26: A step blend applied to generate concentric shapes.FIGURE 12-27: Changing the length of a blend path.FIGURE 12-28: Bending a blend.FIGURE 12-29: Applying transparency to overlapping objects.FIGURE 12-30: Applying transparency to just a fill.FIGURE 12-31: Experimenting with transparency modes with 50% opacity.FIGURE 12-32: Preparing a gradient-filled shape and an illustration for an opac...FIGURE 12-33: Applying an opacity mask.FIGURE 12-34: Adjusting the area of an opacity mask.FIGURE 12-35: The result of an opacity mask.
13 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: Illustrator’s pattern swatches libraries.FIGURE 13-2: Opening a swatch pattern library.FIGURE 13-3: Applying pattern swatches to a selected object.FIGURE 13-4: Several applied patterns.FIGURE 13-5: A pattern swatch applied to a stroke.FIGURE 13-6: A pattern swatch applied to text, with a solid color stroke.FIGURE 13-7: Adding a custom pattern to the Swatches panel.FIGURE 13-8: Testing a custom pattern swatch.FIGURE 13-9: Rescaling a pattern and object together.FIGURE 13-10: Rescaling an object but not the pattern.FIGURE 13-11: Rescaling a pattern fill within an object without changing the ob...FIGURE 13-12: Rotating a pattern within an object.FIGURE 13-13: Moving a pattern within an object.FIGURE 13-14: Beginning to stack pattern fills in the Appearance panel.FIGURE 13-15: Adding a second pattern to an object.FIGURE 13-16: Restacking patterns.FIGURE 13-17: Defining pattern display in pattern edit mode.
14 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: An extruded square.FIGURE 14-2: Editing the path of an object to which an effect has been applied.FIGURE 14-3: Generating all these extrusions saves time.FIGURE 14-4: Generating a pucker effect.FIGURE 14-5: Experimenting with warps.FIGURE 14-6: Accessing editing tools for a warp effect in the Properties panel.FIGURE 14-7: The Properties panel can handle only one effect.FIGURE 14-8: Identifying multiple effects in the Appearance panel.FIGURE 14-9: Launching the options dialog for a warp.FIGURE 14-10: Examining the order of effects.FIGURE 14-11: Reordering effects.FIGURE 14-12: Expanding the appearance of effects.FIGURE 14-13: Editing objects generated by expanding an effect.FIGURE 14-14: Creating a graphic style.FIGURE 14-15: Applying a graphic style.FIGURE 14-16: Searching Adobe Stock images.FIGURE 14-17: Downloading a preview version of a world map.FIGURE 14-18: Converting a linked image to an embedded image.FIGURE 14-19: Viewing artwork in the Symbols panel.FIGURE 14-20: Creating a semicircle.FIGURE 14-21: Generating a globe.FIGURE 14-22: Mapping a symbol.FIGURE 14-23: Accessing a 3D effect in the Appearance panel.FIGURE 14-24: Changing the position of a 3D Revolve.FIGURE 14-25: Using a set of globes created with the 3D Revolve effect.
15 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: Drawing a marquee for area type.FIGURE 15-2: By default, area type boxes are generated with Lorem Ipsum text.FIGURE 15-3: Resizing an area type box.FIGURE 15-4: The Microsoft Word Options dialog.FIGURE 15-5: Sizing an area box for placed text.FIGURE 15-6: Applying a font to selected text.FIGURE 15-7: Defining font size and leading.FIGURE 15-8: Sizing a headline to fill all available space.FIGURE 15-9: Stretching type.FIGURE 15-10: Creating a character style.FIGURE 15-11: Applying a style.FIGURE 15-12: A left-justified, indented paragraph with vertical spacing below.FIGURE 15-13: Defining columns.FIGURE 15-14: Adding the Area Type tool to the Basic toolbar.FIGURE 15-15: Placing text in a shape.FIGURE 15-16: Text placed in a shape.FIGURE 15-17: Reshaping an area type box with the Anchor Point tool.FIGURE 15-18: Adjusting text wrap options.FIGURE 15-19: Adjusting text wrap options.FIGURE 15-20: Flowing area text from one box to another.
16 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: Rotating point type (left) and an area type box (right).FIGURE 16-2: Entering point type.FIGURE 16-3: Applying basic styling to point type.FIGURE 16-4: Stretching point type horizontally.FIGURE 16-5: Changing font size interactively.FIGURE 16-6: Rotating characters.FIGURE 16-7: Rotating a block of type.FIGURE 16-8: Resizing a character with the Touch Type tool.FIGURE 16-9: Rotating a character with the Touch Type tool.FIGURE 16-10: Interactively changing kerning and baseline shift with the Touch ...FIGURE 16-11: Type on a path.FIGURE 16-12: Moving type on a path.FIGURE 16-13: Applying a stroke and fill to a path to which type is aligned.FIGURE 16-14: Applying a positive baseline shift to type on a path.FIGURE 16-15: Moving the end point for type on a path.FIGURE 16-16: Moving the center point for type on a path.FIGURE 16-17: Experimenting with Type on a Path Options.FIGURE 16-18: Accessing Adobe fonts.
17 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Selecting artwork to export to a PNG file.FIGURE 17-2: Selecting an asset to export.FIGURE 17-3: Preparing to export a selected object as a PNG file.FIGURE 17-4: Viewing an exported PNG in a browser.FIGURE 17-5: Graphics organized into artboards for export.FIGURE 17-6: Defining three output resolutions for a set of exported artboards.FIGURE 17-7: Defining settings for export to PNG.FIGURE 17-8: Experimenting with export quality and file size for a JPEG.FIGURE 17-9: Exporting a print project to TIFF.
18 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: This 7-Up ad is an SVG file.FIGURE 18-2: The same 7-Up ad zoomed in at 600 percent, with no distortion.FIGURE 18-3: Data-driven interactive SVG images make these graphics work with u...FIGURE 18-4: Creating a new file with SVG-appropriate settings.FIGURE 18-5: Defining preset details for an SVG project.FIGURE 18-6: Configuring an existing document for an SVG project.FIGURE 18-7: Simplifying artwork to reduce anchor points (and the file size).FIGURE 18-8: Saving this graphic as an SVG with symbols reduces the file size b...FIGURE 18-9: An SVG bird against a blue sky.FIGURE 18-10: An SVG bird without a transparent background; the sky does not sh...FIGURE 18-11: A semi-opaque SVG shape on top of a colored background.FIGURE 18-12: This graphic might have a white background or it might have no ba...FIGURE 18-13: Viewing the transparency grid reveals a white rectangle behind th...FIGURE 18-14: You can't choose a transparency color in SVG because there is no ...FIGURE 18-15: Defining a preview background color with a Transparency Grid.FIGURE 18-16: Previewing the output background color with a custom Transparency...FIGURE 18-17: Comparing PNG output (top) with SVG when transparency is applied.FIGURE 18-18: Assigning transparency for SVG output.FIGURE 18-19: A drop shadow effect (left) and SVG filter (right).FIGURE 18-20: A drop shadow SVG filter, editable in the Appearance panel.FIGURE 18-21: Editing SVG filters.FIGURE 18-22: Deleting an SVG filter.FIGURE 18-23: Searching an SVG graphic for text in Chrome.FIGURE 18-24: Selecting type in an SVG graphic in a browser.FIGURE 18-25: Saving an SVG graphic to preserve special type features.FIGURE 18-26: Selecting text on a path in an SVG file in Safari browser.FIGURE 18-27: Attaching a snippet of JavaScript to an SVG file to create a clic...FIGURE 18-28: Exporting assets as SVG files.FIGURE 18-29: Saving an SVG file and extracting the SVG code.
19 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: Accessing files used in this book.FIGURE 19-2: Exploring advanced applications of creating SVG graphics and text ...FIGURE 19-3: A tutorial project from Illustrator Gone Wild.FIGURE 19-4: A style tile template.FIGURE 19-5: Follow Jean-Claude Tremblay on Twitter!
20 Chapter 20FIGURE 20-1: Building layers.FIGURE 20-2: Sequencing layers.FIGURE 20-3: Generating guides from an object.FIGURE 20-4: Using guides generated from a triangle.FIGURE 20-5: Setting a new starting point for horizontal and vertical rulers.FIGURE 20-6: Counting files being placed in a document.FIGURE 20-7: Photoshop import options.FIGURE 20-8: Launching Photoshop to edit a linked image.FIGURE 20-9: Importing a Word file.FIGURE 20-10: Cropping an image.FIGURE 20-11: Using a preset action to save a file as a JPEG.FIGURE 20-12: Playing a set of actions.