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Les ennemis du vin sont ceux qui ne le connaissent pas.

(“Die vyande van wyn is hulle wat dit nie ken nie.”)

– Aanhaling toegeskryf aan beide “prof. Dr. Sellier, Journal de Mèdicine”,

volgens Boland, wynland (Vlok Delport, Nasionale Boekhandel, 1955),

en “Professeur Portman” (http://www.alpes-flaveurs.com),

vermoedelik prof. Michel Portmann, ’n medikus van Bordeaux.


In clinical settings, some depressed people demonstrate a high proneness

to survivor guilt, that is, guilt over surviving the death of a loved one,

or guilt about being better off than others.

– “Guilt, fear, submission, and empathy in depression”.

Lynn E. O’Connor, Jack W. Berry, Joseph Weiss, Paul Gilbert

in Journal of Affective Disorders 71 (2002) 19–27.


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