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The ancients were not “primitive men.” There never was a first man, nor a primitive man. Man is an eternal verity—the truth. Truth never had a beginning.

The Winged Bull of Nineveh is a symbol of the great truth that substance is materialized air, and that all so-called solid substances may be resolved into air.

Taurus is an earth sign, but earth (soul) is precipitated aerial elements. This chemical fact was known to the scientists of the Taurian age (over 4000 years ago); therefore they carved the emblem of their zodiacal sign with wings.

Those born between the dates April 21 and May 21 can descend very deep into materiality or soar “High as that Heaven where Taurus wheels,” as written by Edwin Markham, who is a Taurus native.

What can be finer than the following from this noted Taurian, he who has sprouted the wings of spiritual concept:

“It is a vision waiting and aware,

And you must bring it down, oh, men of worth,

Bring down the New Republic hung in air

And make for it foundations on the Earth.”

Air is the “raw material” for blood, and when it is drawn in, or breathed in, rather, by the “Infinite Alchemist,” to the blood vessels, it unites with the philosopher's stone, mineral salts, and in the human laboratory creates blood.

So, then, blood is the elixir of life, the “Ichor of the Gods.”

The sulphate of sodium, known to druggists as Nat. sulph., chemically corresponds to the physical and mental characteristics of those born in the Taurus month.

Taurus is represented by the cerebellum, or lower brain, and neck.

A deficiency in Natrium sulphate in the blood is always manifested by pains in the back of the head, sometimes extending down the spine, and then affecting the liver.

The first cell-salt to become deficient in symptoms of disease in the Taurus native is Natrium sulphate.

The chief office of Natrium sulphate is to eliminate an excess of water from the body.

In hot weather the atmosphere becomes heavily laden with water and is thus breathed into the blood through the lungs.

One molecule of the Taurus salt has the chemical power to take up and carry out of the system two molecules of water.

Blood does not become overcharged with water from the water we drink, but from an atmosphere overcharged with aqueous vapor drawn from water in rivers, lakes or swamps, by heat of the sun above seventy degrees in shade.

The more surplus water there is to be thrown out of the blood, the more sodium sulphate required.

All so-called bilious or malarial troubles are simply a chemical effect or action caused by deficient sulphate of soda.

Chills and fever are Nature's method of getting rid of surplus water by squeezing it out of the blood through violent muscular, nervous and vascular spasms.

No “shakes” or ague can occur if blood be properly balanced chemically.

Governing planet: Venus.

Gems: Moss-agate and emerald.

Astral colors: Red and lemon yellow.

In Bible alchemy, Taurus represents Asher, the eighth son of Jacob, and means blessedness or happiness.

In the symbolism of the New Testament, Taurus corresponds to the disciple Thaddeus, meaning firmness, or led by love.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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