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This alkaline cell-salt is made from bone ash or by neutralizing orthophosphoric acid with carbonate of sodium.

Libra is a Latin word, meaning scales or balance. Sodium, or Natrium phosphate holds the balance between acids and the normal fluids of the human body.

Acid is organic and can be chemically split into two or more elements, thus destroying the formula that makes the chemical rate of motion called acid.

A certain amount of acid is always present in the blood, nerve, stomach and liver fluids. The apparent excess of acid is always due to a deficiency in the alkaline Libra salt.

Acid, in alchemical lore, is represented as Satan (Saturn), while sodium phosphate symbols Christ (Neptune). An absence of the Christ principle gives license to Satan to run riot in the Holy Temple. The advent of Christ drives the evil out with a whip of thongs. References to the temple in the figurative language of the Bible and New Testament always symbol the human organism. “Know ye not that your bodies are the Temple of the Living God?”

Solomon's temple is an allegory of the physical body of man and woman. Soul-of-man's-temple—the house, church, Beth or temple made without sound of “saw or hammer.”

Hate, envy, criticism, jealousy, competition, selfishness, war, suicide and murder are largely caused by acid conditions of the blood, producing changes by chemical poisons and irritation of the brain cells, the keys upon which the soul plays “Divine harmonies” or plays “fantastic tricks before high heaven,” according to the arrangement of chemical molecules in the wondrous laboratory of the soul.

Without a proper balance of the Venus salt, the agent of peace and love, man is fit for “treason, strategems and spoils.”

The people of the world never needed the alkaline of Libra salt more than they do at the present time, while wars and rumors of wars strut upon the stage of life.

The Sun enters Libra September 23rd, and remains until October 23rd.

Governing planet, Venus.

Gems, diamond and opal.

Astral colors are black, crimson, and light blue.

Libra is an air sign.

In Bible alchemy, Libra represents Reuben, the first son of Jacob. Reuben means Vision of the Sun.

In the symbolism of the New Testament, Libra corresponds to the disciple Peter.

Peter is derived from Petra, a stone or mineral.

“On thee, Peter (mineral), will I build my church;” viz., beth, house, body, or temple.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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