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O age of man! Aquarius,

Transmuter of all things base,

“Son of Man in the Heavens,

With sun-illumined face.”

Our journey was long and weary,

With pain and sorrow and tears,

But now at rest in thy kingdom,

We welcome the coming years.

Those born between the dates of January 21 and February 20 are doubly blest and babies to be born during that period for many years to come will be favored of the gods.

The solar system has entered the “Sign of the Son of Man,” Aquarius, where it will remain for over 2000 years. According to planetary revolutions the Sun passes through Aquarius once every solar year; thus we have the double influence of the Aquarius vibration from January 21 to February 20.

Air contains seventy-eight per cent of nitrogen gas believed by scientists to be mineral in ultimate potency. Minerals are formed by the precipitation of nitrogen gas. Differentiation is attained by the proportion of oxygen and aqueous vapor (hydrogen) that unites with nitrogen.

A combination of sodium and chlorine forms the mineral known as common salt. This mineral absorbs water. The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the chemical action of the molecules of sodium chloride.

Crude soda can not be taken up by mucous membrane absorbents and carried into the circulation. The sodium molecules found in the blood have been received from vegetable tissue which drew these salts from the soil in high potency. The mineral, or cell-salts, can also be prepared (and are prepared) in biochemic or homeopathic potency as fine as the trituration of Nature's laboratory in the physiology of plant growth. Then they are thoroughly mixed with sugar of milk and pressed into tablets ready to be taken internally to supply deficiencies in the human organism. A lack of the proper amount of these basic mineral salts (twelve in number) is the cause of all so-called disease.

Common table salt does not enter the blood, being too coarse to enter the delicate tubes of mucous membrane absorbents, but this salt does distribute water along the intestinal tract.

Aquarius is known in astrological symbols as “The Water Bearer.” Sodium chloride, known also as Natrium muriaticum, is also a bearer of water, and chemically corresponds to the zodiacal angle of Aquarius.

The term angle, or angel, of the Sun may also be used, for the position of the Sun at birth largely controls the vibration of blood.

So, then, we have sodium chloride as the “birth salt” of Aquarius people.

The governing planets are Saturn and Uranus; the gems are sapphire, opal and turquoise; the astral colors are blue, pink and Nile green. Aquarius is an air sign.

In Bible alchemy Aquarius represents Dan, the fifth son of Jacob, and means “judgment,” or “he that judges.” In the symbolism of the New Testament, Aquarius corresponds to the disciple James.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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