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From Scorpion to “White Eagle” may seem a very long journey to one who has not learned the science of patience or realized that time is an illusion of physical sense.

The zodiacal sign Scorpio is represented in human material organism by the sexual functions.

The esoteric meaning of sex is based on mathematics, the body being a mathematical fact. Sex in Sanscrit means Six.

“Six days of Creation” simply means that all creation, or formation, from self-existing substance, is by and through the operation of sex principle—the only principle.

Three means male, father, the spirit of the male, the son; this trinity forms or constitutes one pole of Being, Energy or Life—the positive pole.

The negative pole, female trinity; female spirit of mother and daughter.

Thus two threes or trinities produce six or sex, the operation of which is the cause of all manifestation. Those who understand, fully realize the truth of the New Testament statement, “There is no other name under heaven whereby ye may be saved (materialized and sustained) except through Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” By tracing the words Jesus and Crucify (also Christ) to their roots a wonderful world of truth appears to the understanding.*

The possibilities of Scorpio people are boundless after they have passed through trials and tribulations, viz.: crucifixion or crossification.

One of the cell-salts of the blood, Calcarea sulphate, is the mineral (“stone”) that especially corresponds to the Scorpio nature. Crude Calcarea sulphate is gypsum or sulphate of lime.

While in crude form, lime is of little value; but add water, and thus transmute it by changing its chemical formation, and plaster of Paris is formed, a substance useful and ornamental. Every person born between October 23 and November 22, should well consider this wonderful alchemical operation of his esoteric stone, and thus realize the possibilities in store for him on his journey to the “Eyrie of the White Eagle.”

Scorpio people are natural magnetic healers, especially after having passed through the waters of adversity, since heat is caused by the union of water and lime.

Scorpio is a water sign, governed by Mars. Mars is “a doer of things,” also fiery at times; therefore, it is well that the Scorpio native take heed lest he sometimes “boil over.”

In Bible alchemy, Scorpio is represented by Simeon, the second son of Jacob. Simeon means “hears and obeys.” In the symbolism of the New Testament, Scorpio corresponds to the disciple Andrew, and means to create or ascend.

The gems are topaz and malachite; astral colors, golden-brown and black.

A break in the molecular chain of the Scorpio salt, caused by a deficiency of that material in the blood, is the primal cause of all the so-called diseases of these people. This disturbance not only causes symptoms called disease in physical functions, but it disturbs the astral fluids and gray matter of brain cells, and thereby changes the operation of mind into inharmony. Sin means to lack or fall short; thus chemical deficiencies in life's chemistry cause sin.

When man learns to supply his dynamo with the proper dynamics, he will “wash away his sins with the blood of Christ”—blood made with the “White Stone.”

Calcium sulphate should not be taken internally in crude form; in order to be taken up by absorbents of mucous membrane, the lime salt must be triturated, according to the bio-chemic method, up to third or sixth. By this method lime may be rendered as fine as the molecules contained in grain, fruit, or vegetables.

Blood contains three forms of lime: lime and fluorine for Cancer sign; lime and phosphorus for Capricorn sign, and lime and sulphur for Scorpio.

Lime should never be used internally below the third decimal trituration.

* Explained in God-Man; The Word Made Flesh.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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