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Virgin means pure. Mary, Marie, or Mare (Mar) means water. The letter M is simply the sign of Aquarius, “The Water Bearer.”

Virgin Mary means pure sea, or water.

Jesus is derived from a Greek word, meaning fish. Out of the pure sea, or water, comes fish. Out of woman's body comes the “Word made flesh.” All substance comes forth from air, which is a higher potency of water.

All substance is fish, or the substance of Jesus.

This substance is made to say, “Eat, this is My body; drink, this is My blood.”

There is nothing from which flesh and blood can be made, but the one universal air, energy, or Spirit, in which man has his being.

All tangible elements are the effects of certain rates of motion of the intangible and unseen elements. Nitrogen gas is mineral in solution, or ultimate potency.

Oil is made by the union of sulphate of potassium (potash) with albuminoids and aerial elements.

The first element that is disturbed in the organism of those born in the celestial sign Virgo is oil; this break in the function of oil shows a deficiency in potassium sulphate, known in pharmacy is Kali sulphate.

Virgo is represented in the human body by the solar plexus and bowels, the solar plexus being the great receiving station of energy from the back brain, while the bowels complete the chemicalization of the food products ready to be assimilated by the blood.

The letter X in Hebrew is Samech or Stomach. X, or cross, means crucifixion, or change—transmutation.

Virgo people are discriminating, analytical, and critical.

The microscope reveals the fact that when the body is in health little jets of steam are constantly escaping from the seven million pores of the skin. A deficiency in Kali sulph molecules causes the oil in the tissue to thicken and clog these safety valves of the human engine, thus turning heat and secretions back upon the inner organs, lungs, pleura, membrane of nasal passages, etc. And does it not seem strange that medical science, that boasts of such great progress, can invent no better term than “bad cold” for these chemical results?

Kali sulph is found in considerable quantities in the scalp and hair. When this salt falls below the standard, dandruff, or eruptions, secreting yellowish, thin, oily matter, or falling out of the hair, is the result.

Kali sulph is a wonderful salt, and its operation in the divine laboratory of man's body, where it manufactures oil, is the miracle of the chemistry of life.

Governing planet, Mercury.

Gems, pink jasper and hyacinth.

Astral colors, gold and black.

In Bible alchemy Virgo is represented by Joseph, the twelfth son of Jacob, and means: To increase power, or “son of the right hand.”

Virgo corresponds to the disciple Bartholomew.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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