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“I come from a land in the sun-bright deep

Where golden gardens glow—

Where the winds of the North becalmed in sleep

Their conch-shells never blow.”

—From: Moore's Song of the Hyperborean.

ON the twenty-first of April, approximately, the Sun enters that part of the heavens wherein is the constellation of the Bull. Dr. Wakeman Ryno writes of it as follows: “This sign has been the inspiration, in all ages, of more myths and stories than all the other twelve signs put together. Taurus was worshiped as a healing god, because he represented the growing strength of the Sun, and healing, from ‘Helios’ the Sun. In the Greek we have the word Theos, which is the basis of our English words theology and theological. He is Taur, Thor or Theuth; the Golden Calf of Horeb, of the Bible story; he is Hesperia, where Hercules conquered the Oxen of Geryon; he was Amen-Apis of the Thebans”

Helios is also Apollo, and every nation and every people has had its own particular term for this divine giver of life, light and heat.

Taurus is the first of the earth triplicity. As two weeks of May and one of April are concerned with its labor, we find the true interpretation of the sign in the word May, the source of which is a Sanskrit root, Mag, meaning to move. The word Maia is derived from the same root. She it was to whom the ancients offered gifts on the first day of May, and even to the present day children celebrate May-Day night by exchanging baskets of gifts, hanging them on door knobs. They also delight in May-pole dances and playing pranks of a more or less harmless and foolish nature.

The parts of the body with which this sign allocates are the ears, face around lower jaw, cerebellum, neck, throat, liver and gall-bladder.

The word cerebellum differs from cerebrum in its ending only. The first part of the word, cere, means seed. Bellum is a Latin word meaning war or antagonism, contention. Thus contention or antagonism. It should not be; but, because it is the animal brain, the bull-headed god of the Age of the Golden Calf, it represents that stage in the evolution of humanity when it is torn by animal passions. Microprosophus (of the Kabbala) is not co-operating with Macroprosophus; in other words, the animal man, Adam, “is ever contending against God,” for passion can not hear the voice of reason. Seed (cere) essence is destroyed. The word Taurus or Torus also means any round swelling or protuberance—a projecting part or cushion. It is a well known anatomical fact that the cerebellum has such a protection, and is seen in any chart. Indeed it is colored red on the charts so as to be outstanding.

The sub-conscious mind functions through the lower brain or cerebellum. To be sure this is contrary to what psychologists teach, but the following is proof of its functioning process.

Naturally the cerebrum, being the spiritual brain, is the organ of consciousness. It is Rama, the Most High. In the Greek it is Athens, and the goddess Athena means wisdom. It is from this Greek word that we derive the term attic. An attic is the top-most room in a house. Delicate wit is termed “attic wisdom.” Therefore the cerebrum is the first house or first compartment in the physical dwelling. When this part of the brain is chemically perfected and hence all knowledge is obtained, consciousness or Spirit manifests as the Christ Consciousness.

The term sub means under, and is derived from the Latin. Therefore, the sub-conscious brain in which the sub-conscious mind functions is situated under the brain pertaining to consciousness or the cerebrum. It is, we may say, the basement or cellar brain, where the things stored become damp and full of moths. How beautifully true is the Biblical injunction: “Lay up treasures in heaven (re-read the first chapter) where moths do not corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal.”

Again, when it is understood that Aries or the cerebrum is the God-brain and Taurus or the cerebellum (the contending brain) in the animal, it becomes perfectly clear.

The state of mind, then, which each one of us manifests in our imperfect state becomes the divine Bull by being yoked to our higher consciousness. When a statement presented to us is understood do we not say “Yes, I am conscious of that fact.” And is it not equally true that, when we are unable to cognize another we say, “No, I am not conscious that that is a fact” This, then, is summed up in the statement that we are not fully conscious.

No one can be fully conscious who is living in the animal passions, and to whom they are attractive. To the degree in which we are able to master them, to transmute or use that same energy (Taurus) in mental work—in the house of consciousness, the cerebrum, do we merge from the subconscious state to that of the conscious, or spiritual. The animal is the sub-human and the cerebellum is the animal brain. Taurus must be yoked—controlled—guided by wisdom. Many contend that the solar plexus is the sub-conscious brain; but an understanding of anatomy and physiology proves that this great center which is a collection of twelve great nerve ganglia and hence a zodiac in itself, is a receiver of energy, and hence one of feeling and sensation, not of thought.

It is indeed true that, as long as we live in the animal brain and are carnally minded, we are spiritually moldy and full of moths; and eventually the form itself goes back into the ground to be consumed.

“The last enemy to be overcome is death.”—Bible; and “The wages of sin is death.” Therefore, when we no longer fall short or are deficient, which is the true meaning of sin, we will no longer die, for it will be physiologically and chemically impossible.

Taurus, or the Bull, is said to plow the earth, preparing the soil that it may bring forth. Here we must recall the parable of the sower who went forth to sow. The Adam man is the sower. He is given, has made, and contains the seeds of all things, as also does the earth.

But upon what kind of ground will these seeds fall—on fertile or barren? Ponder well on a mighty fact: The corpuscles of the body are its seed. I am not referring to the seed of procreation, for that is a different kind. But I will give you another point, equally mighty: The animal man actually robs his body of its corpuscles (one tenth, to be exact) in forming the germs of procreation. This is a fact which science will one day admit.

The Bible states that “Man purchases a field with thirty pieces of silver.” The field (and the term “thirty pieces of silver”) is understood by studying the thirty degrees of Scorpio which allocate with the organs of procreation. It is only by means of these organs that progeny may be had. The body or form is purchased, and with the coin of the realm, for it has its origin in Aries, the cerebrum, which is the first gland in the body. This heavenly treasure, the Gold of Ophir, becomes perverted from its original and Paradisiacal use and is changed to silver after flowing out of the Garden of Eden—the cerebrum.

The middle decan of Aries, allocating with the optic thalami, is the place of the sagittal or All-Seeing Eye, the seat of knowledge where we interpret all that we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. So the last decan of Taurus is also concerned with the senses, and especially with eyesight. As the nerves from the head contact or cross at the base of the brain, a chart will often indicate trouble with sight. The reason for this is that there is interference with circulation, and the special nerves having to do with this function are unable to carry nutritive blood to the center in sufficient quantity, or to bring away the waste products. As a result we often find cataracts forming on the eyes. The middle decan of Aries is, therefore, the positive pole pertaining to the vision, and the last decan of Taurus is the negative end.

Referring to our interpretation of the sign with which we are dealing, we must again note that it means to move. After the outpouring of Divine Fire at the Spring equinox and until April 21st, action begins. Nature starts to manifest visibly or bring forth objectively. Here again we check accurately with the anatomy and physiology of the cerebellum, for it is the motor brain, the mechanical brain. It does things. It receives the electricity which Aries, the cerebrum, generates. For cosmic electricity—Spirit—starts the motor, and the medulla oblongata relays it so that it may start on its long journey down into Egypt (the torso, or place of darkness). The energy thus sent is received by the solar plexus, consisting of twelve large nerve ganglia, which, in turn, broadcasts it to the organs. If the solar plexus is weak because chemically deficient, it is not only unable to receive sufficient of this great influx, but is also unable to supply the organs. It can not give what it does not possess. Then, again, the trouble may originate in the cerebellum itself and that organ may be unable both to receive and dispense energy. Stop and consider, please, all of the allocations that we have thus far synthesized: the meaning of the period which constitutes Taurus (May—the doing, or moving month) and the cerebellum (the motor, the brain which acts).

Here we must dwell, for a time, on the chaotic condition in which we find humanity today. We find everything perverted—religion, science, law, medicine, sex, finance, amusements. Nothing has escaped, with the exception of mathematics. We are indeed fortunate that two and two still make four, and that no one contradicts.

It is a self-evident fact that, if all the parts of a machine are in perfect order, properly co-ordinated and contacting power, it will work perfectly. The human mechanism is subject to the same law. If a motor stops and starts, the result is spasmodic action, not action which is harmonious. Thus, spasmodic thought results in inharmonious acts, and to the degree in which it thus manifests chaos results.

With both cerebrum and cerebellum extremely deficient chemically, is it then any wonder that human thought and action are unsettled, inharmonious and spasmodic? It can not be otherwise. This is the solution, then, for it explains why wars exist, why there is no agreement, no harmony among nations, and why social, civic, religious and racial inharmony is rampant.

The spirit or God confined in an unhealthy, deficient brain, poisoned with the waste products of gluttony and wrong living, is utterly unable to produce harmonious thought. The lower brain in an equally imperfect condition can not give birth to a vibration or current of energy that is as constructive as is necessary. For the most part the energy generated is used in a negative or destructive way. Thoughts are imperfect and spasmodic, and the acts which follow are equally so.

The Gold of Ophir mentioned in the Scriptures is the manna or dew referred to in Aries, and is the first substance with which Spirit (the Erotes of Life) links up, uniting the elements and bringing order out of chaos. The word Ophir means in Hebrew a fruitful region. In Smith's Bible Dictionary (1915, Appleton) we find that Baron von Wrede made a small vocabulary of Himyaritic words in the vernacular tongue, and among these he gives ofir as red. As this color is associated with Aries, energy and fire, it allocates perfectly.

In addition we have, on leaving off the letter O, fir, which is the fir or evergreen tree which from time immemorial has been used as a symbol of the Tree of Life.

As the word pine is also used interchangeably, we find that the pine cone has been employed as a symbol of the pineal gland in the head, and indeed the word itself literally means pine god. The evergreen is a symbol of the renewal and hence continuity of life. Likewise this wonderful and so-called mysterious gland in the head is the creator and renewer of life. A1 and el in Hebrew mean God. Fine gold is refined gold and there are many references in the Scriptures to the Gold of Ophir being of this nature. The cerebrum is truly a mine, a cave, in which is cloistered that most precious of all substances which has always been likened to gold.

In this Garden of Eden, coiled around the trunk of the pine tree or Tree of Life we find the serpent, which is symbolical of energy, the head issuing forth from the midst of its branches. In many very ancient illustrations we find that the serpent has three heads, the middle being more elevated.

This is in keeping with the physiological correspondence, for those on either side stand for the right and left sympathetic systems which constitute the two thieves of the Scriptures. Here the Gold of Ophir changes, takes on a different vibration and becomes silver. The Spiritual Man is represented by gold, the feminine counterpart by silver, while the Adam man is copper. Both gold and silver are said to be noble metals, because not easily oxidized. Gold is the fire of life, while silver is the water of life. The adi nerve is associated with the pituitary body or gland in the head, while the pengala connects with the pineal gland. The Sun rules the pineal and the Moon the pituitary. These constitute the male and female which God joined together in the Garden of Eden, otherwise Aries, the cerebrum.

The nerve-fluid from these two glands meets and crosses at the point or place in the head where Taurus begins. It is Golgotha—Place of the Skull. This is the cross on which animal nature brings suffering. We must refer to the sign opposite Taurus, its complement, that of Scorpio, as it is here that we find much of the animal energy of Taurus expressed. There is a curious reference in the Bible to Scorpio which ecclesiastics do not seem to deal with: “In Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was also crucified.”

Not only do these nerves cross at the base of the brain but at the second lumbar vertebra also, for the fire and water of life go downward into Scorpio and are literally thrown away. This causes the real man, the Spirit, to be crucified, defrauded by the animal nature of material with which to express divinity.

But when the fire and water of life are not used prodigally,—when Adam no longer sacrifices his own son (substance) but offers up the animal instead, these divine fluids, gold and silver, the noble metals (because high born) return to their source. They ascend by going over the cross from Taurus into Aries, when the father and son, the creator and the product of that creation, again merge or blend into one another.

The right and left sympathetic systems are thieves, for until the emotions become controlled through the proper supply of the necessary chemical elements, the real function of this part of the body is unable to manifest. The real function is motion and not e-motion. The e-motional life robs the body of nerve energy and of the highly specialized nerve or soul fluid. Summing up this statement and referring to our zodiacal sign which deals with emotion—Leo—it is made plain that the conservation of nerve energy and of soul fluid recreates that body which initiates it.

We must understand, then, that the story which Taurus gives us is relative to motion, work, doing. Therefore in order that such may result, it is self-evident that there is in Nature a certain substance that creates motion (which is energy manifesting). Natrium or sodium is said to be a reducing agent. In other words it steps down chemical action and lowers the rate of vibration. It has the power to decompose water. In the form of Natrium sulph or sulphate of sodium, the addition of the sulphur causes a little different action.

Sulphur has been known from the remotest times. It forms an essential part of human and animal tissues and exists to a considerable extent in plant life, in that the human body must obtain it through food. When digestion and assimilation fail because of Calcium starvation it must be derived from the highly triturated tablets of this mineral. Natrium sulph is electro-negative, in this instance. It is linked with sodium and thus especially active in water.

The brain or Aries essence is a proteid, in fact this Ancient of Days in the Greek myth was Proteus—the first substance. It is a well-known chemical fact that sulphur is the only visible mineral substance found in proteid, which proves that it performs a linking function. Thus it serves to link up the brain substance or Proteus with the next chemical agent or Natrium, in order that a more substantial substance may result. There are twelve steps in this reduction or stepping-down process, corresponding to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Therefore the “heavenly dew” is brought into a different state or condition, becoming more earthy or tangible.

One particle of Natrium sulph has the power to attract twice its bulk of water containing waste products and to throw it out of the blood. As waste products consist in the average human body of unhealthy or acid residue, they can truthfully be compared to sulphuric acid. Indeed we find strange and sinister chemical products in a very foul and unhealthy human body.

The sodium, then, takes some of the fluid from the essence, mixes it with sulphur and begins the process of reduction, seeking to make a denser substance. A form is to be created. Spirit is to be clothed with matter.

We have said that Natrium sulph is a reducing agent in chemistry, and it indeed is. Those born when the Sun is transiting Taurus are lymphatic types, for they are deficient in sodium sulphate. They will find many of the symptoms which appear at intervals during their lifetime listed under this salt in Schuessler's Biochemic System. They are also set forth in Dr. Carey's work. When this salt is supplied and taken faithfully it will gradually eliminate all these ills.

When the nature and use of Natrium sulph is understood, people will then know why they take on weight and increase in size in spite of strict dieting. It is because the lymphatic system slowly becomes engorged with excess fluid derived from the atmosphere through the breath. Air goes directly into the arterial blood, for the word artery means air-carrier. Air is humid or moist, and when it carries in suspension a great quantity of water the blood becomes quickly overcharged. Particularly is it difficult for the Taurian born to live in comfort in the tropics, and especially in localities where there is great humidity.

I am positive that Dr. Carey has given us the correct explanation of a chill. He says, in his Biochemic System: “There is not a ‘medical authority’ (?) in existence who has given us a true definition of this phenomena. Their so-called explanations are meaningless and glittering generalities. I explain a chill (ague) thus: When the blood becomes overcharged with water, of course the various tissues of the body must suffer from lack of proper nourishment. This sets up a panic.

“Now, as the water-carriers are not present in sufficient quantities to throw out the excess in the natural way, nature does the next best thing—causes a spasm of the vascular, nervous and muscular systems, and thus, by violent effort, throws out the excess of water; hence the profuse perspiration which follows the chill. Where Natrium sulph is not given to supply the workmen, and thus keep out an excess of water, the chill will recur in about forty-eight hours, simply because that much time is required again to overcharge the blood with water.”

Thus we see that kindly Mother Nature actually wrings the water out of the blood, when the needed material which would eliminate water comfortably is not at hand.

We also learn in his book that malarial conditions or symptoms are not caused by microbes from a swamp—he was not at all interested in the germ theory as the cause of disease. Deficient material for Nature to work with and a general toxic condition constitute the reason for physical and mental dis-ease and inharmony. When a person suffering from malaria visits a mountain resort he is relieved, simply because he is breathing the air from a cool, dry stratum, and is above the point where water is held in suspension by heat. A large supply of oxygen is also obtained, but here again, if the Ferrum or iron content of the blood is low, it is not able to enter.

We find the month of May to be a humid month, for the reason that Nature, Aries, is reducing—taking water from the fire—impregnated air—and precipitating it into the fire-impregnated earth, so that the work of production or growth may take place. Thus we see the formation of buds and the trees clothed with their first faintly green spring garments. It is perfectly legitimate for humanity to think of new garments in the Spring, for does not Mother Nature, the eternal feminine, clothe herself anew at this time? We should ever seek to know this cosmic mother of ours, to work understandingly with her.

During the Spring period a great many people feel lazy and debilitated and are thus unable to appreciate what is going on in Nature and what she is endeavoring to accomplish in human bodies. The blood is very deficient in the needed workmen (minerals) and the system is full of physical rubbish. Nature is endeavoring to work—and against odds. We could accomplish marvelous things if we could only work with her.

The human body, like the earth, may actually become dry, parched and barren because of lack of water. It may also become flooded with water and the corpuscles drowned. Many people suffer from drowsiness when the attention is not occupied, in spite of having had sufficient sleep, due to excess water in the brain cells. Sleeping sickness is an exaggerated form of this, and thought is actually drowned, indeed, temporarily submerged.

There is a great need for all three sodium or Natrium combinations. A few of the many indications or symptoms which inform us of a need for this reducing agent are: Irritation due to biliousness; tendency to suicide with wildness and irritability from an excessive secretion of bile and from too much fluid which is of an acid nature in the cells; headache on top of the head; biliousness; vomiting of bile; dizziness; tongue dirty, greenish-gray or greenish-brown color; bitter or metallic taste in the mouth; violent pains at the base of the brain; spinal meningitis; conjunctivitis; lightning-like pain through the ears; enlargement of the liver; diabetes; asthma; dropsy; gout; fistulous abscess of long standing; drowsiness; debility; heavy, anxious dreams, nightmare, etc.

It must be understood that the above are only a few symptoms from the long list which the book on this subject gives us. All symptoms are worse in the morning and in rainy or damp weather, this being what is termed “a modality.”

The Biblical story of the ten captive tribes refers to the remaining ten signs of the zodiac and the allocating parts of the body which are truly captives, forced into bondage by the animal man, Adam, Taurus, the Bull or cerebellum. The animal mind, the emotions, wastes in the pleasures of the prodigal son, the man, the substance, the daily bread from heaven, while the ten tribes or parts of the body slowly starve. In this state they represent the ten tribes of Jacob. But when at last they become nourished and sustained by the conservation of this Alkahest or cerebral honey, they become the tribes of Israel, which means warriors of God—serving the most high, the God-brain, the cerebrum.

Our own poet, Edwin Markham, refers to this constellation in the words “High as that Heaven where Taurus wheels” and says:

“It is a vision waiting and aware,

And you must bring it down, oh men of worth,

Bring down the New Republic hung in air,

And make for it foundations on the Earth.”

Another of our modern day writers, G. A. Gaskell, who has given us A Dictionary of the Sacred Language of All Scriptures and Myths, a most enlightening work for students, interprets Taurus as “A symbol of the second period of the cycle of life. It signifies the divine out-going activity in the creation of forms. The Bull of the West represents the matrix of forms on the Buddhic plane, or the productive energy of Buddhi. It pertains to the period of involution when Spirit is descending into matter and giving it the potencies of forms and qualities afterwards to be evolved in natural phenomena and in the souls of humanity.”

Taurus is a symbol of the second period of the cycle of life, for it is the second sign and house of the zodiac, receiving the out-going electrical energy of Aries, and utilizing it in the formation of the human body. Earth, Taurus, has received the baptism of fire and water from the pineal and pituitary; and Mercury, the guide of travelers and the Messenger of the Gods, descends.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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