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The mineral or cell-salt of the blood corresponding to Sagittarius is Silica.

Synonyms: Silicea, silici oxide, white pebble or common quartz. Chemical abbreviation, Si. Made by fusing crude silica with carbonate of soda; dissolve the residue, filter and precipitate by hydrochloric acid.

This product must be triturated as per biochemic process before using internally.

This salt is the surgeon of the human organism. Silica is found in the hair, skin, nails, periosteum, the membrane covering and protecting the bone, the nerve sheath, called neurilemma, and a trace is found in bone tissue. The surgical qualities of silica lie in the fact that its particles are sharp cornered. A piece of quartz is a sample of the finer particles. Reduce silica to an impalpable powder and the microscope reveals the fact that the molecules are still pointed and jagged like a large piece of quartz rock. In all cases where it becomes necessary that decaying organic matter be discharged from any part of the body by the process of suppuration, these sharp pointed particles are pushed forward by the marvelous intelligence that operates without ceasing, day and night in the wondrous human Beth, and like a lancet cut a passage to the surface for the discharge of pus. Nowhere in all the records of physiology or biological research can anything be found more wonderful than the chemical and mechanical operation of this Divine artisan.

The bone covering is made strong and firm by silica. In cases of boils or carbuncle, the biochemist loses no time searching for “anthrax bacilli” or germs, nor does he experiment with imaginary germ-killing serum; he simply furnishes nature with tools with which the necessary work may be accomplished.

The Centaur of mythology is known in the “Circle of Beasts that worship before the Lord (Sun) day and night,” as Sagittarius, the Archer, with drawn bow. Arrow heads are composed of flint, decarbonized white pebble or quartz. Thus we see why Silica is the special birth salt of all born in the Sagittarius sign. Silica gives the glossy finish to hair and nails. A stalk of corn or straw of wheat, oats or barley will not stand upright unless it contains this mineral.

Sagittarius people are generally swift and strong; and they are prophetic—look deeply into the future and hit the mark like the archer. A noted astrologer once said: “Never lay a wager with one born with the Sun in Sagittarius or with Sagittarius rising in the east lest you lose your wealth.”

The Sagittarius native is very successful in thought transference. He (or she) can concentrate on a brain, miles distant, and so vibrate the aerial wires that fill space that the molecular intelligence of those finely attuned to Nature's harmonies may read the message.

Governing planet, Jupiter.

Gems, carbuncle, diamond and turquoise.

The astral colors are gold, red and green.

Sagittarius is a fire sign and is represented in Bible alchemy by Levi, the third son of Jacob, meaning “joined or associated.”

In the symbolism of the New Testament, Sagittarius corresponds to the disciple James, son of Alpheus.

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The Chicago Evening Post, Wednesday, August 19, 1914, in commenting on “Signs of Wrath and Portents from the Heavens,” says among other things: “And in England today are men with the modern scientific mind who say that we cannot disregard utterly the idea that the movements of the heavenly bodies have their effect upon men.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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