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Table of Contents

In presenting the following findings, the author wishes to say that she does so, not with fear and trembling but with the strength of conviction which truth alone gives. It matters little whether they are accepted or rejected. Into these pages goes a knowledge of the chemical condition of the average human brain, gained from sixteen years' experience along the lines of health. So it is self-evident that a few earnest students will realize the value of this information.

The author, however, has already received her own personal reward for the years of investigation and research work. All her life she has aspired for truth above all things. She has aspired to know facts, to solve the problem of the old injunction “Man, know thyself.” This in itself became such a joyous, fascinating occupation that it was like going out into the green sanctuary of Nature and being alone with Nature's God, the Spirit within one's self. And this, together with the great appreciation manifested by the many earnest students who have already accepted some of these truths, constitutes an adequate reward.

Dr. Carey brought forth his mental and spiritual progeny, the key whereby humanity may solve its chemical, physical and mental problems, before the influx of the finer ethers which are now permeating our atmosphere and endeavoring to awaken dormant brain cells to action. Therefore, his invaluable message was slow in being accepted. Now, however, there is more and more interest being manifested. Part One of this book will thus be read and studied with greater appreciation.

The world is more ready to accept that which has previously seemed absurd and impossible because of the quickening of comprehension which is now going on. We are merging into the atmosphere of the Aquarian Age. This means, both astrologically and astronomically, that our entire solar system is beginning to pass into the division of the universe which is occupied by the sign Aquarius. Approximately 2160 years are required for the transit.

As Aquarius is “the sign of the Son of Man” it deals not only with humanity as a whole but with the real man within man. The Son of Man, the Higher Self, is that real man, or mankind made new.

There is a trend, then, a veritable cosmic urge that is truly very definite and powerful. This is the reason back of, and the cause of the appearance of all the “new” and unusual ideas, happenings, fashions, inventions, etc. It is also the cause of all of the terrible and abnormal crimes with which the papers are constantly filled; the perversion of truth which is everywhere being manifested. Nature and Nature's God now demand an expansion of consciousness in man. This is the beginning of a realization of the laws of God, their acceptance, the practice of them, and the effort to climb upward.

Thought is the father of action, and with individuals not attuned to the Aquarian vibration actions are spasmodic, unnatural and thus negative and destructive. This is because the high vibration and shorter etheric waves breathed into the lungs do not find therein the materials capable of producing the same vibration in the blood. If these materials were present they would produce a corresponding wave length in the blood and thus work harmoniously and constructively under the Aquarian vibrations. Disorganization, disruption and spasmodic reaction take place in the bodies of persons chemically starved in those “mothers” or materials which Father Spirit demands at this time. The Sacred Book expresses it perfectly in these words: “Ye must make new bottles for the new wine or the old bottles will burst.” We must reconstruct our bodies and brain cells with the desired and required material, in order that they may be able to do the work now demanded of them. Otherwise we will find the fuse blowing out exactly as it does when the lamp and the current do not correspond.

There must be, therefore, an endeavor to investigate new (new only to this age) scientific findings. The greater the aspiration for truth the easier it will be. If you find joy and satisfaction in the study of these pages I shall always be glad and happy to learn of it and help you still further with any additional explanation.

As this is the Aquarian Age, its spirit is back of all, and will assist and protect those who speak the truth.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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