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Circle means sacrifice, according to the Kabbala, the straight line bending to form a circle.

Thus we find twelve zodiacal signs sacrificing to the Sun, symbolized by the devotion and sacrificing of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

Twelve months' sacrifice for a solar year.

Twelve functions of man's body sacrifice for the temple, Beth or “Church of God”—the human house of flesh.

Twelve minerals—known as cell-salts—sacrifice by operation and combining to build tissue.

The dynamic force of these vitalized workmen constitute the chemical affinities—the positive and negative poles of mineral expression.

The Cabalistic numerical value of the letters g, o, a, t, add up twelve.

Very ancient allegories depict a goat bearing the sins of Israelites into the wilderness.

In the secret mysteries of initiation into certain societies, the goat is the chief symbol.

In alchemical lore the “Great Work” is commenced “in the Goat” and is finished in the “White Stone.” Biochemistry is the “stone which the builders rejected,” and furnishes the key to all the mysteries and occultism of the allegorical Goat.

Those persons born between the dates December 22 and January 21, come under the influence of the Sun in Capricorn—the Goat. Capricorn represents the great business interests—trusts and syndicates—where many laborers are employed. Thus Capricorn symbols the foundation and framework of society—the commonwealth of human interests.

The bones of the human organism represent the foundation stones and framework of the soul's temple (Solomon's temple).

Bone tissue is composed principally of phosphate of lime, known as Calcarea phosphate or Calcium phosphate. Without a proper amount of lime no bone can be formed, and bone is the foundation of the body.

A building must first have a foundation before the structure can be reared. Thus we see why the “Great Work” commences in the Goat. Lime is white—hence the “White Stone.”

In the second chapter and seventeenth verse of Revelation may be found the alchemical formula of the “White Stone.”

“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give a White Stone, and in the Stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”

In the mountains of India, it is said, a tribe dwells, the priests of which claim that man's complete history from birth to death is recorded in his bones. These people say the bones are secret archives, hence do not decay quickly as does flesh and blood.

When the molecules of lime phosphate fall below the standard, a disturbance often occurs in the bone tissue and the decay of bone, known as caries of bone, commences. Phosphate of lime is the worker in albumin. It carries it to bone and uses it as cement in the making of bone.

So-called Bright's disease (first discovered in a man named Bright) is simply an overflow of albumin via kidneys, due to a deficiency of phosphate of lime.

When the Goat salt is deficient in the gastric juice and bile, ferments arise from undigested foods; acids from the latter find their way to synovial fluids in the joints of legs or arms or hands, and often cause severe pains; but why the perfectly natural chemical operation should be called rheumatism passeth understanding.

Non-functional albumin, caused by a lack of lime phosphate, is the cause of eruptions, abscesses, consumption, catarrh and many so-called diseases.

But let us all remember that disease means not-at-ease, and that the words do not mean an entity of any kind, shape, size, weight or quality, but an effect caused by some deficiency of blood material, and that only.

Phosphate of lime should never be taken in crude form It must be triturated to sixth X, according to the biochemic method, in milk sugar in order to be taken up by the mucous membrane absorbents, and thus carried into the circulation.

Capricorn people possess a deep interior nature in which they often dwell in the “solitude of the soul.”

They scheme and plan and build air castles and really enjoy their ideal world. If they are sometimes talkative, their language seldom gives any hint of the wonderland of their imagination. To that enchanted garden the sign, “No Thoroughfare,” forever blocks the way.

The Capricorn gems are white onyx and moonstone. The astral colors are garnet, brown, silver-gray and black.

Capricorn is an earth sign.

In Bible alchemy, Capricorn represents Judah, the fourth son of Jacob, and means “the praise of the Lord.” In the symbolism of the New Testament, Capricorn corresponds to the disciple John.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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