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Indications for TPN
ОглавлениеDiseases of the gastrointestinal system that preclude all enteral feeding for prolonged periods of time:Trauma, bowel perforations, surgical resections, fistulae, and diversions.Inflammatory disorders including severe necrotizing pancreatitis, appendiceal abscess, and gangrenous cholecystitis.Immune disorders including bowel transplant rejection and graft versus host disease.Infections including severe Clostridium difficile infections, infected peritonitis, and intra‐abdominal abscesses.Malabsorptive disorders including short gut syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.Neoplastic disorders including obstructive tumor growth, radiation‐ and chemotherapy‐induced mucositis, fistulae, and strictures.Vascular disorders including bleeding and ischemic bowel disease.
Disease conditions that preclude adequate intake of enteral nutrition:Profoundly cachectic patients with poor nutritional reserves.Inability to obtain or maintain enteral access.Enteral nutritional meeting <50% of nutritional requirements.Worsening signs of gastrointestinal tolerance.
Continuation of ongoing parenteral nutrition.