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5.7.3 Procurement


Procurement‐related requirements address the procurement of products and services “to ensure their conformity to” the OHSMS. Establishing, implementing, and maintaining process(es) to do this is required in ISO 45001:2018. This would include how the organization procures materials, such as chemicals and equipment, as well as people who perform activities that may, in some way, impact health and safety.

Related to contractors, ISO 45001:2018 (§ states that:

“…the organization shall coordinate its procurement process(es) with its contractors, in order to identify hazards and to assess and control the OH&S risks arising from: the contractors' activities and operations that impact the organization; the organization's activities and operations that impact the contractors' workers; and, the contractors' activities and operations that impact other interested parties in the workplace” (65).

As well, the standard requires that contractors' conform with the organization's OHSMS requirements, and that the “procurement process(es) define and apply occupational health and safety criteria for the selection of contractors.” Annex A (§ helpful guidance on contractor and OHSMS coordination (64).

In addition, the standard contains requirements for outsourcing activities, and defines “outsource” (verb) as to “make an arrangement where an external organization (3.1) performs part of an organization's function or process” (40). A note to this definition states that the “external organization is outside the scope of the management system (3.10), although the outsourced function or process is within the scope” (40). Relating to outsourcing, the standard states that (§

“…the organization shall ensure that outsourced functions and processes are controlled, [and that] the organization shall ensure that its outsourcing arrangements are consistent with legal requirements and other requirements and with achieving the intended outcomes of the OH&S management system. The type and degree of control to be applied to these functions and processes shall be defined within the OH&S management system” (65).

In practice, this means evaluation of the capabilities of the company that will perform the outsourced work that can impact the intended outcomes of your organization's OHSMS. The evaluation should conclude that they can perform the required work in a legal and safe manner.

Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice

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