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Sites for palpation:


 Transverse facial arteryRuns horizontally on the lateral aspect of the head, behind the zygomatic arch, cranioventral to the ear.

 Facial (submandibular artery)Can be palpated at the ventral aspect of the mandible, just cranial to the ramus, easy to palpate by “trapping” the somewhat movable artery between the skin and medial aspect of the mandible.

 Maxillary arteryRostral to the infraorbital canal.This is a useful site in foals to palpate the pulse.

 Posterior digital and abaxial sesamoid arteriesLocated at the caudolateral and caudomedial aspects of the pastern and fetlock, respectively.Palpable in all limbs.

 Radial arteryLocated at the medial aspect of the carpus.

 Median arteryLocated at the medial aspect of the forearm.

 Great metatarsal arteryCaudolateral aspect of the hind limbs, runs vertically in the groove formed by the apposition of the canon and lateral splint (MT 3 and 4) bones.

 Femoral arteryDeep palpation at the medial aspect of the thigh. Not a practical site for palpation in the adult horse.

 Coccygeal arteryMore readily palpable in foals than adult horses.

Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia

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