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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Annual GHG emissions (Mt CO2 yr–1) from 2000 to 2016.Figure 1.2 Percentage of GHG emissions from the land‐based sector (2000–2016...Figure 1.3 The trend lines of annual GHG emissions for predicting future tra...Figure 1.4 The percentage of REDD+ progress in East Kalimantan for 2030. Sou...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Different components of remote sensing used for collecting a wide...Figure 2.2 Applications of geospatial techniques for forest resource assessm...Figure 2.3 Representation of multiple spatial layers that can be developed w...Figure 2.4 Development of thematic maps and their integration for the priori...Figure 2.5 Applications of geospatial techniques for crop monitoring and man...Figure 2.6 Satellite and LiDAR data fusion for natural resource management....Figure 2.7 Various applications of Google Earth Engine for natural resource ...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Support vectors machine, (a) nonlinearly separable case, (b) line...Figure 3.2 Location of study area (a) map of Chile, (b) selected area of Cer...Figure 3.3 (a) Level 1 quad pol dataset for Cerro Laukaru, Chile SIR‐C SAR i...Figure 3.4 (a) Entropy, (b) Anisotropy, (c) Alpha for Cerro Laukaru, Chile S...Figure 3.5 Unsupervised classification for Cerro Laukaru, Chile SIR‐C SAR im...Figure 3.6 Graph for comparison between unsupervised classifications for Cer...Figure 3.7 Graph of SAR statistical parameter for unsupervised classificatio...Figure 3.8 Supervised classification image for Cerro Laukaru, Chile SIR‐C SA...Figure 3.9 Graph of omission error for Cerro Laukaru, Chile SIR‐C SAR image....Figure 3.10 Graph of commission error for Cerro Laukaru, Chile SIR‐C SAR ima...Figure 3.11 Graph of accuracy assessment Cerro Laukaru, Chile SIR‐C SAR imag...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Map and landscapes of the study area: (a) Location of the study a...Figure 4.2 Landsat scenes of study area which acquired on (a) 2000 and (b) 2...Figure 4.3 The land cover maps generated by CNNs model for (a) Landsat‐5 TM ...Figure 4.4 Change detection maps: (a) 1980–2000, (b) 2000–2020.

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Interlinkages of plant traits and abiotic factors with the growth...Figure 5.2 Processes and elements controlling plant productivity.

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Map showing distribution of Indian Himalayan subtropical pine for...Figure 6.2 Indigenous Pine species found in India. (Pinus roxburghii, Pinus ...Figure 6.3 The upright forest biomass pyramid indicating that the primary pr...Figure 6.4 Approximate distribution of biomass in different components of a ...Figure 6.5 Various conversion factors used in biomass estimation studies....Figure 6.6 Methodological steps adopted for estimating forest biomass and ca...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Location map of study area.Figure 7.2 Methodology for targeted dissemination of submergence‐tolerant ri...Figure 7.3 Methodology for targeted dissemination for drought‐tolerant rice ...Figure 7.4 Potential sites for the dissemination of Sub 1 rice varieties.Figure 7.5 Methodology for targeted dissemination for drought‐tolerant rice ...Figure 7.6 Yield of Sub 1 rice varieties in submergence condition, Assam.Figure 7.7 Yield advantage of STRVs in drought‐prone ecology in Assam.Figure 7.8 Submergence tolerance of BINA dhan 11 vs other adjacent varieties...Figure 7.9 Increasing seed sale of Bina dhan 11 in Odisha from 2016 to 2019....

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Study area. Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe.Figure 8.2 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – May.Figure 8.3 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – June.Figure 8.4 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – July.Figure 8.5 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – August.Figure 8.6 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – September.Figure 8.7 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – October.Figure 8.8 Average monthly rainfall (mm) – November.Figure 8.9 Average annual rainfall (mm) – May to November.Figure 8.10 Number of rainy days in May.Figure 8.11 Number of rainy days in June.Figure 8.12 Number of rainy days in July.Figure 8.13 Number of rainy days in August.Figure 8.14 Number of rainy days in September.Figure 8.15 Number of rainy days in October.Figure 8.16 Number of rainy days in November.Figure 8.17 Average rainy days (annual).Figure 8.18 Percentage change in rainfall – May.Figure 8.19 Percentage change in rainfall – June.Figure 8.20 Percentage change in rainfall – July.Figure 8.21 Percentage change in rainfall – August.Figure 8.22 Percentage change in rainfall – September.Figure 8.23 Percentage change in rainfall – October.Figure 8.24 Percentage change in rainfall – November.Figure 8.25 Percentage change in rainfall – Annual.Figure 8.26 Annual household income.Figure 8.27 Understanding farmers' (respondents') perception of climate chan...Figure 8.28 Scale used to represent confidence level of the respondents.

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Study area, Monaragala District, Uva Province of Sri Lanka;Figure 9.2 The complete workflow of the experiments conducted under the stud...Figure 9.3 Rainfall data‐based Meteorological drought analysis map of Monara...Figure 9.4 MODIS satellite image data‐based Agricultural drought analysis ma...Figure 9.5 Stream density‐based drought severity classification map of Monar...Figure 9.6 Irrigated area and water source‐based drought severity classifica...Figure 9.7 Stream density, irrigated area, and water source‐based Hydrologic...Figure 9.8 Drought risk area map (combination of Meteorological, Agricultura...Figure 9.9 Spatial percentage of coverage of the drought risk area (combinat...Figure 9.10 The percentage of the drought level in each divisional sectarian...

10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 A study map of Kangsabati River Basin (KRB) showing elevation an...Figure 10.2 Taylor diagram for deviation of RCMs (historical run) from IMD o...Figure 10.3 Flowchart of the methodology followed in the study.Figure 10.4 Spatial trends in climatic parameter (a) Precipitation (b) Maxim...Figure 10.5 Temporal variation in areal extent of different land use types L...Figure 10.6 Maps depicting LULC scenario for (a) Historical time period. 198...Figure 10.7 Trends in volumetric runoff for (a) LULC scenario 1 representing...Figure 10.8 Intra‐seasonal comparison in volumetric runoff for different LUL...Figure 10.9 Trends in surface runoff depth for (a) LULC scenario 1 represent...Figure 10.10 Intra‐seasonal comparison in surface runoff depth for different...

11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Riverine ecosystem as affected by various landscape variables. B...Figure 11.2 Location Map representing sampling and survey sites.Figure 11.3 LULC statistics of study region.Figure 11.4 Percent distribution of Cyanophycean, Bacillariophycean, and Chl...Figure 11.5 Respondents' dependency on the River Ganga for their livelihoods...Figure 11.6 Tourists' perceptions of different reasons of pollution in the r...Figure 11.7 Percentage of (a) locals and tourists (b) Indians and foreigners...Figure 11.8 Tourists' perceptions of different reasons for pollution in the ...

12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Global land‐ocean temperature index.Figure 12.2 Emission entity contribution in top atmosphere radiative forcing...Figure 12.3 The modeling chain of CGETemp – Temperature, Prec is precipi...Figure 12.4 Socio‐economic impacts of climate change.

13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Cameron Highlands captured from satellite imagery. A map of Peni...Figure 14.2 Satellite imageries from Landsat 7 ETM+ and 8 (OLI) TIRS: From l...Figure 14.3 Several land use/land cover types in Cameron Highlands: Primary ...Figure 14.4 The land use/cover changes maps from classified satellite images...Figure 14.5 Relative change in land use/cover in Cameron Highlands: generall...Figure 14.6 Land surface temperature (LST) for the year 2009 in Cameron High...Figure 14.7 Images are showing a land surface temperature series for the yea...Figure 14.8 Mean maximum value of Met Malaysia air temperature data.Figure 14.9 Mean minimum value of Met Malaysia air temperature data.Figure 14.10 Highest recorded values of Met Malaysia air temperature data....

14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Schematic representation of mechanism of osmoprotectants under m...

15 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Study area map with sampling locations.Figure 16.2 Species‐wise average trend of diameter increments (mm).Figure 16.3 Site‐wise average trend of diameter increment (mm).Figure 16.4 Diameter class‐wise average trend of diameter increment (mm).

16 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Schematic representation of the inter‐connectedness of water, ca...Figure 17.2 Worldwide flux measurement.

Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management

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