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The Mind Is Like a Computer


To put the Sedona Method in perspective, let’s take a look at the many ways in which the human mind functions similarly to a computer. Computer functioning, of course, is partly based on the model of the human mind, so this shouldn’t seem like too much of a stretch. You are probably aware that a computer needs both hardware and software to operate. For the sake of this analogy, consider the hardware the equivalent to the brain and nervous system, and consider the software the equivalent of our thoughts, feelings, memories, and beliefs, as well as our basic, inborn intelligence.

What does the human operating system consist of? Software programs that run the body and the mind are the underlying intelligence that allows the system to function and accumulate knowledge. Almost everything we need in order to function well in life is innate. The only exceptions are the specific skills we acquire, which can vary widely. These range from playing a musical instrument to performing brain surgery.

In the same way that a computer functions faster and more efficiently the more memory, or space, it has available, so do we. As we go through life, we have experiences and accumulate data until our resident memory fills up and our processing capabilities become burdened and slow down. In computers, you can free up space by deleting or compressing files. Likewise, experiences that have a neutral emotional content and feel complete are highly compressed. Conversely, emotionally charged or incomplete experiences are like programs and files that have been left open and are running in the background of our lives. They use too much of our available memory and processing capability.

“My gains include freedom from disabling sensations of anxiety at my job, increased success and enjoyment in my work, and much less fear of the future.”

—Bonnie Jones, Olympia, WA

Open programs are not a big problem for most of us when we are younger, but as we age, there is less memory available even for bodily functions like respiration and digestion. As a result, the entire system gets overloaded and starts to break down. Then open programs and files take a toll on our basic ability to function effectively in life and to learn new, useful skills. They create mental confusion and conflict, because they’re often sending us messages that contradict and interfere with each other and with our conscious intentions.

As we apply the Sedona Method, we let go of the emotional charges that are keeping old programs and files running in the background of our lives. We therefore increase our available memory and speed up our processing capability. Releasing enables us to retain the wisdom gained from experience without having our energy and memory drained by an emotional sense of incompletion. In other words, the more we use the Method, the better the human system functions.

The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being

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