Читать книгу The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being - Hale Dwoskin - Страница 33

Frequently Asked Questions


When people attend Sedona Method courses, they often ask the following questions. Review the answers as often as you need to as you work with the releasing process.

How often should I release? Releasing is one good thing you can’t overdo. The more often you apply the Method throughout your day, the more benefits you’ll receive from it. Releasing can be done anywhere and at any time to immediately feel better, clearer, more confident, and alive. Simply allow yourself to remain open inside, while your feelings come up and move through you. Look at each upset in your life as an opportunity for greater freedom. Also remember to have fun. Avoid turning releasing into another “should.” As you get into the habit of letting go in the moment as feelings arise, you’ll develop a wonderful momentum that will support you when deeper feelings surface. You will find it easier to let them go as well.

How long does it take to learn how to let go? That’s up to you. In Chapter 1, you learned some of the basics of the releasing technique. How quickly you’ll see results you can measure depends on how much you apply what you learned in your everyday life. Letting go gets easier to do the more you do it. Also, you may or may not feel big shifts right away. The results may start out subtly, or they may be extremely profound.

How could something so simple be so powerful? The most powerful and useable tools in life are often the simplest. When processes are allowed to remain simple, they are easy to remember and duplicate. No one has to convince you how critical breathing is, for instance. Still, if I wanted to give you instructions about the procedure to follow for breathing, it would be: “Breathe in, breathe out … and repeat as needed.” What could be simpler? Yet there is little of more central importance to your life.

As you use the Method over time, you’ll discover that it is easy and can become second nature, requiring as little thought from you as the act of breathing does now. Do you recall how suppressed feelings were likened in Chapter 1 to an emotional pressure cooker? When you release often, you’ll also discover that keeping the lid off your feelings and allowing them to release is more natural than trying to keep them crammed inside.

What does it feel like to let go? The experience of letting go is highly individual. Most people feel an immediate sense of lightness or relaxation as they use the process. Others feel energy moving through their bodies as though they are coming back to life. Changes can become more pronounced over time. In addition to physical sensations, you’ll notice that your mind is getting progressively quieter and your remaining thoughts are clearer. You will start to perceive more solutions rather than problems. Over time, your experience of releasing may even feel positively blissful.

How do I know that I’m doing it right? If you notice any positive shifts in feeling, attitude, or behavior when you’re releasing, then you are doing it right. However, each issue that you work on could require different amounts of letting go. If at first it doesn’t shift completely, let go and then let go again. Continue releasing until you have achieved your desired result.

What should I do if I find myself getting caught up again in old patterns of behavior, or if I just plain forget to release? First, it’s important to understand that this is to be expected—and it’s okay. Your ability to release spontaneously and in the moment that it’s necessary will increase over time. Soon, you’ll be able to release in “real time.” Meanwhile, you can always release once you do recognize that there has been a problem. Soon, when you catch yourself in the middle of an old behavior pattern, you’ll be able to release as the pattern is happening and interrupt it. By doing so, you’ll find that you’re able to change the pattern. After a while, you’ll learn to catch yourself before you get caught up in the old pattern, and then you’ll release and not do it. Ultimately, you won’t need to release about that particular tendency anymore, because you’ll have let it go entirely. If you allow yourself to be persistent, your attitude and effectiveness will eventually change for the better, even with longstanding problems. You may even get to the point where the only time you’ll remember that you even had a particular problem is when someone else reminds you of it.

It can also be helpful to schedule short releasing breaks throughout the day to remind yourself to release.

Do I have to change my beliefs or believe something new to do the Sedona Method? Absolutely not. As I mentioned in the Introduction, please don’t believe anything in this book unless you can prove it for yourself. Just because something is said in writing does not make it so. Knowledge is not useful unless or until you can verify it for yourself experientially. Simply be as available as you can to what is being communicated in this book and look at it as an opportunity to change your consciousness and your life. Remain open to discovery and prove or disprove it for yourself. Whatever your religious beliefs or affiliations, they will only be supported by the process of letting go. People who have used the Sedona Method report that it helps them to be more in tune with and open to uncovering their true spiritual experience and conviction.

What should I do if I am already involved in therapy or some other system for personal growth? Since letting go is the essence of any good therapy and every effective tool for personal growth, you’ll find that using the Sedona Method is an ideal support for other systems. This includes those you are already doing and those you may do in the future. As you combine releasing with other forms of self-exploration, results will come more quickly and easily. The Method will make it easier to stick with whatever process is working in your life, because you’ll be able to understand and apply the concepts that you’re learning on a more consistent basis. People who learn the Method frequently comment that it is the missing piece they’ve been looking for in everything else they’ve done to help themselves.

Note: If you are presently involved in any form of psychological or medical treatment, please do not change your treatment regimen without first consulting your healthcare professional.

The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being

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